Japanese Patterns of Design

Japanese Family Crest: List of the Lineage Symbols

Tsuta-mon (ivy) as Matsuyama Family Crest in Kakuda, Miyagi, Japan

Japanese Family Crest – it is only for the Royal Family and the nobles in the western world, the family crest. However, in Japan, every family has its own crest which is called Kamon in Japanese. Its design is unique and sophisticated, and each has its meaning. We will take a look at Kamon’s history, some famous samurai family crests, and various scenes we see Kamon today.

Japanese Family Crest Consulting Service

Given the popular demand for searching family crests and roots, we have launched the Japanese Family Crest Consulting Service.

For those of you who have an interest in finding one’s Kamon and family roots, please take a look at Japanese Family Crest Consulting Service. (We no longer answer questions in the comment section.) We are hoping to help your journey of Japanese family crest search. We use unique resources with multiple family crest databases.

Japanese Surnames: Top 10 Ranking, Origin and its Meanings

Check out our interview with Mosho Uwaeshi, the Japanese family crest artisans in Tokyo. You can create your own Kamon even if you don’t have Japanese Kamon yourself.
Kamon the Avant-garde: Interview with Japanese Family Crest Artisans

Brief History of Japanese Family Crest: Kamon

Japan Family Crest, Plant Crests 1
Japan Family Crest, Plant Crests 1 (www.e-kamonn.com)

We assume Kamon was seen since the Heian period (794-1185).

The nobles put beautiful patterns on various goods and they enjoyed its beauty. Gradually, they began to create their own family crest, Kamon.

Court nobles adopted simple and natural patterns like flowers and plants.

People could distinguish which stuff belongs to whose family by the patterns of the crest.

In Europe, only the privileged classes were allowed to have the crest.

On the other hand, every family has Kamon regardless of its position in Japan. And every Kamon has a meaning and there are 5,116 kinds of Kamon confirmed today.

Japanese Family Crest, Plant Crests 2, Ume-mon
Japanese Family Crest, Plant Crests 2, Ume-mon (e-kamonn.com)

Around this time, the family crest was only for the nobles just like the western society.

However, Japanese entered the phase other classes began to use the family crest at the request of the period.

Japanese Patterns: Traditional Motifs and Designs

Japanese Family Crests 1
Kamon list: Japanese Family Crests 1 (Pinterest)

At the age of the civil wars, samurai began using Kamon as well.

It is a well-known fact that Genji and Heishi fought a furious battle at the end of the Heian period.

The Genji used white flags while Heishi adopted red flags to distinguish their own troops and the army.

Samurai Kamon: Seven Notable Samurai Family Crests

Bushido Virtues: Samurai Code of Conduct Holds Good

Not just different colored flags, but samurai started to have their own crest.

In this era, to give rewards to samurai’s services on the battlefield accurately, they assigned some people to watch closely the battle.

Then, those people gave a report about who had done the most rewarding service.

In this job, you have to distinguish each party precisely and Kamon came in very handy for this reason.

Japanese Family Crests 2
Kamon list: Japanese Family Crests 2 (Pinterest)

The Edo administration ordered common people not to use a family name. For that reason, they needed Kamon to distinguish between their own family and others among the people.

So the number of Kamon increased exponentially.

In 1868, the class system was abolished by modernization, everybody was allowed to use a family name again.

However, the culture of Kamon has stayed alive to the present.

Oda Family Crest

Oda Nobunaga Crest, Oda Mokko-mon
Oda Nobunaga Crest, Oda Mokko-mon

Oda Nobunaga was a powerful daimyo (feudal lord) in the late 16th century who attempted to unify Japan during the late Civil War era.

He is often regarded as ‘the first great unifier.’ Oda Family crest is ‘Mokko-mon’.

Actually, that is one of the main family crests Nobunaga had, he had 7 crests.

It is not very clear the origin of ‘Mokko-mon’, there are several theories like it’s a cross-section of a melon or some kind of flower.

It also resembles the shape of a bird’s nest with eggs in it looking from above, therefore this Kamon is used in hope of family prosperity.

The other six crests have their own meaning, here we take a look at characteristic ones out of six.

Agehacho - swallowtail butterfly
Agehacho – swallowtail butterfly

It is originally the Kamon of Heike, but Nobunaga insisted he was from Heike, so he used it.

Why he insisted on it because people believed the next conqueror would be someone from Heike, Nobunaga must have expressed his will through this Kamon.

Japanese family crest, Eiraku tsuhou
Eiraku Tsuho

Nobunaga used this Kamon on his flags. Eiraku Tsuho was a coin that was imported from Ming Dynasty.

It’s been circulated until the early period of Edo. Nobunaga was very active in working on economic policy.

Toyotomi Family Crest

Gosan-kiri – Paulownia crest

Toyotomi Hideyoshi was a preeminent daimyo, warrior, general, samurai, and politician of the Civil War era who is regarded as Japan’s second ‘great unifier’.

Toyotomi Family uses ‘Kiri-mon’. Paulownia, which is “kiri” in Japanese, was believed to be the tree where a Chinese phoenix perches in ancient China myth.

Around 800, the Imperial Family of Japan began using Kiri-mon on their clothing.

Today’s Japanese government uses this Kiri-mon, also we can find it on the Japanese 500 yen coin.

After the Meiji period, the government began using it as a Japanese government crest.

From the Imperial Family to the Imperial Court, then the modern Japanese government, this Kamon has always been the symbol of high status.

Tokugawa Family Crest

aoi no gomon - hollyhock crest
Aoi no Gomon – Hollyhock crest

Tokugawa Ieyasu was appointed to Shogun in A.D. 1603, and the Edo period began. Ieyasu was the third and the last ‘great unifier’.

Tokugawa Family use ‘Aoi’ comes from Futaba-Aoi plant.

It is originally from the Shin-mon (deity’s crest) of the Kamo shrine in Kyoto.

The Shinto priest in this shrine, Kamo, and groups of samurai in Mikawa had a close relationship. Ieyasu prohibited others to use this crest to keep its authority.

Shinto Shrine: History, Architecture, and Functions

Where You See Kamon Today – Japanese Family Crest

Japanese Family Crest, Kamon on a Noren
Japanese Family Crest, Kamon on a Noren (Pinterest)

Perhaps you can see Kamon most at ceremonial occasions such as a wedding ceremony or a funeral.

We can see Kamon on the Japanese traditional kimono, Tomesode, which is a women’s formal dress, and Montsuki Hakama which is a men’s formal dress.

You have a chance to see Kamon more often when you are in Kyoto.

Stores like restaurants and confectionery shop which has been in business for many years, some of them are even more than 100 years have their own Kamon.

Usually, they put it on their curtain at the entrance which is called “Noren” and their wrapping paper.

Japanese Family Crest, Kamon on furo-shiki
Japanese Family Crest, Kamon on a wrapping cloth (山田繊維株式会社)

We see Kamon on wrapping cloth, too. Wrapping cloth can be used in a versatile way. It can wrap fruit to wine bottles in it and still looks stylish and easy to carry.

“Tenugui” is the cheapest and most handy washing cloth you can own with Kamon on it.

Japanese Family Crest, Kamon on roof tile
Japanese Family Crest, Kamon on roof tile (有限会社 外部工務店)

Also, you can see Kamon on a necktie, an umbrella, and roof tile. It represents a certain family today as well.

But people enjoy having their favorite samurai family crest on a key holder as such. Sophisticated designs are inspirational and make everyday life feel special.

A sure way to see a lot of varieties of Kamon at one time is you go to a cemetery and you’ll find them on the tombstones.

Japanese Family Crest, Meiji Jingu crest on lantern
Japanese Family Crest, Meiji Jingu crest on lantern (Pinterest)

The shrines and the temples have their crest, too.

The Shrine’s crest is called ‘Shin-mon’ as we have seen with Kamo Shrine, the temple’s called ‘Jin-mon’.

Often times Shin-mon’s and Jin-mon’s patterns are derived from their deity’s origin and tools used in rituals.

Shichi-Go-San: Japanese Celebration for Children Age of 7, 5, 3

Japanese Family Crest, Kamon on paper lanterns
Japanese Family Crest, Kamon on paper lanterns (HOME’S PRESS)

As you can see above, you walk near some shrine and if they throw a party, you have a chance to see such paper lanterns with Kamon on it.

It would be interesting to find various patterns of Kamon on the street and look up the meaning behind it.


豊臣秀吉の家紋の意味は?政府が使っている理由について! (history-land.com)
【暮らしの中の家紋②】現代の家紋 どのようなシーンで家紋が使われているのだろう (HOME’S PRESS)

Related Articles

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Hiroko Matsuyama


  • Hi,

    I was wondering if there was a family Kamon for Paul Miki, a member of the Miki family clan in Harima.

    Thank you!

    Br. Simon

    • Hi Simon,

      Thank you for the comment! I have information about the Miki (三木) family in Hyogo Prefecture (Former Harima Province.) They have two origins with five different family crests. Although I can’t narrow it down to one root with one Kamon, I can still write a report about the Miki family with all potential roots and Kamon for your reference with my research report service.

      Please let me know if you have any questions via the email.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!


  • Good morning!

    I was hoping you could help me find my grandmother’s Kamon. (My mother’s mom)

    My grandmother’s maiden name was Rika Yamamoto born in 1896 in Misashi Machi Asagun, Hiroshima, Japan.
    Rika’s mother’s name was Mika Hashimoto.

    I was once told that the female children born carry on their mother’s crest and the males carry their father’s crest. Is this correct?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,
    C Hirabayashi

    • Hello Hirabayashi-san,

      Thank you for reaching out. Traditionally, we carry the Kamon from males. However, as you mentioned, we have a tradition called “Onna-mon (female crest),” where females pass the crest to daughters, particularly in western Japan. The materials I have are related to standard family crests. As for female crests (onna-mon), it’s only possible to know if the information has been shared within the family (from grandmother to mother to daughter).

      I can help you find either the Yamamoto family crest or the Hashimoto family crest in Hiroshima Prefecture. If that interests you, please let me know. Any questions are welcome. 


      I’m looking to hearing from you!


      • Good evening! Thank you for your quick response. Unfortunately, the crest for the female side was not shared from the grandmother to mother to daughter. The Yamamoto crest and Hashimoto crest would be from the male side of the family and I was searching for the female side.

        I have been told that the only way I can find it is to go to Japan to the area where my great grandmother resided.

        Thank you for your info!
        C Hirabayashi

  • Do you have any information about family crest for Furukawa from the Kanagawa Prefecture? This is my mother’s family. My father’s last name is Omine, though he was born in America and does not know which part of Japan his family was from.

    • Hello Carolyn, 

      Thank you for the comment! I have related information about the Furukawa (古川) family from Kanagawa Prefecture, including their origins and family crests. They have two origins and two family crests in my resources. Although I can’t narrow it down to one root with one Kamon, I can write a report about all potential origins with Kamon for your reference with my research report service.

      Please let me know if you have any questions.

      Kind regards, 


      • Thank you! I’d be interested in hearing about both origins and family crests. I will purchase your report. Let me know if you need any more information from me.

  • Hello Miss Matsuyama,

    I actually stumbled upon your website and loved your article! I have a direct line through my grandmother of the Hayashida clan. I was recently in Japan back in September of 2023 and we got to visit our ancestors burial ground in Kazusacho. There was a burial grounds keeper that had some of our family history and I do have some pictures of the writings he had, but was never really able to decipher them if you wanted to have a look and see I can provide you with some of the photos via email. He also stated we were descendants of samurai, but I didn’t catch the name of the samurai unfortunately. Unless if was on these papers had his name on there. I was wondering if you may have any insight on anything of the Hayashida’s as well? If not, no worries! Just thought I would ask. c: Have a wonderful day!

    • Hello Kat,

      Thank you for your comment! Let me look at the photos you have and see if I recognize anything. If you give me your family location, such as the prefecture, I can also tell you whether I have any related information about the Hayashida family. Does it happen to be Nara prefecture?
      Please write me via the email below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!


  • Hello Ms.Matsuyama

    I hope you are well.
    I have two surnames that I am currently trying to investigate, passed down from my ancestors.
    My grandfather’s last name is Daimonji (大文字), and they are from Hiroshima. I know about Daimonji-yama in Kyoto, however, they do not have any records from the Kansai region.
    My great-grandmother’s maiden name is Zukeran (瑞慶覧), and she is from Okinawa. To my knowledge, I am not sure if there were any records, but I was told they were lost.



    • Hello Jarred,

      Thank you for your comment! Unfortunately, I don’t have any related information about the Daimonji (大文字) family in Hiroshima Prefecture. However, I have related information about your grandmother’s maiden name, Zukeran (瑞慶覧,) including its history and Kamon. Still, I want to know your grandmother’s father’s name (kanji characters) to confirm this is the same lineage recorded in my resources. You can write to me via the email below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!


  • Hello! Looking for Kamon of the Mizumoto (水本) family! Kumamoto prefecture, family background farmers, i think grandmas father was a mayor of a small town in the area and i heard that it’s something to do with a Mandarin?

    • Hello Momo-san, 

      Thank you for the comment! I have related information about the Mizumoto (水本) family in Kumamoto Prefecture, including the family origin and the Kamon. The Kamon is categorized in a patterned crest, but it’s not Mandarin in my resources. Please consider using my research report service if you would like to learn more about them. 

      Please let me know if you have any questions via the email below.

      Kind regards, 


  • Good afternoon! I loved it and found it quite interesting. I would like to know if you have images of the Nemoto family coat of arms. I thank the attention.
    Thank you very much!

    • Thank you for your comment! As the Nemoto family has diverse origins, there are likely numerous Nemoto family crests. Could you please share specific details about your family domicile, such as the prefecture or city? This will help me in my search for related information about your Nemoto family’s origin and the family crest. 

      You can write back using the email below.

      Let me know if you have any questions. I’m happy to help.


      • Good afternoon, I have this information from my paternal grandfather: Shigeyuki Nemoto was born on February 18, 1919, in Ibaraki-ken, Japan, son of Shigeyoshi Nemoto, and Masa Nemoto. Thanks a lot for the help.

  • Hello i was wondering if you could send me any information on Miyagi family. My family is from okinawa and i just wanted to see if there was any family kamon

    • Hi Jasper,

      Thanks for the comment! The report about information about the Miyagi family from Okinawa Prefecture would be two pages long. I can write it using my Research Report service. https://www.patternz.jp/product/kamon-research-report/

      Please let me know if you have any questions about my services via the email below.

      Kind regards,


  • Hi, I have been searching for the Yamanaka kamon (my grandfather on my.mother’s side) and Seta kamon (my father’s side).
    Seta is not a common name 😔
    Our families were from Okinawa.
    Thank you for your assistance.

    • Hi Irena, 

      Thanks for the comment! Unfortunately, I don’t have related information about the Yamanaka (山中) and Seta (瀬田) families from Okinawa Prefecture. I’m sorry I can’t be of help. If possible, you might want to ask your relatives about their Kamon. It might lead you to get to know about your families’ Kamon.

      Kind regards, 


  • Hello, please forgive me for so many questions, but I have encountered a multitude of barriers in regards to 3 kamon/family name issues Researching for over 25 years):
    1)TOYOTA-豊田 From what used to be “Kamoto-machi, Kutami. Kumamoto. (Now Yamaga City) All my relatives have passed and have literally no information on their kamon.

    2)The name HANAMOTO-花本 From both Asa-Gun, Nakahara mura and Asaminami-ku Hiroshima. The crest that is a broader sized meyui with a circle around it, can date back to around 1778, with my ancestors-Kikutaro, Sosaburo, Shinsuke and Shinzo (Earliest). I can’t find any information on this large family name.

    3)KAGAWA 香川 Asa-gun Nakahara mura-Apparently there were two families. One of which comes Sanuki and died out ages ago and ours from formally Aki/hiroshima. Our kamon is a tsuta with a circle around it.

    Thank you very much.


  • はじめましてまつやまさん!I’m curious about my family’s kamon and wondered if you might have any information on it. My family’s name is 木上 and our kamon is a hanabishi flower with a ring around it. It is listed as Naito II in the third photo of grouped kamon. I was told growing up that my family was royalty at one point, but I’m struggling to find any information about it online. I appreciate your research and hope you are doing well!😊

    • Hi,

      Thanks for the comment! How do you pronounce your family name, Kigami, Kinoue, or other? Also, please let me know your family domicile in Japan, such as prefecture. With this information, I will look up with my resources whether I have any related information about your family.

      Please write me back via the email address below.

      Hoping to hear from you soon!


  • Greetings. I was hoping you might have some information on the mon for the Nakagawa family. I have some information from a translated copy of the koseki from my family as it existed in late 1951 (signed with the seal of the mayor of Kumamoto City at the time). If you are able to help, I can send you what I have to the email you mentioned below.

    • Hi Phillip,

      Thanks for the comment! I have related information about the Nakagawa (中川) family from Kumamoto Prefecture, including the possible origins and their Kamon. They have three different roots and one unknown origin with six different family crests. Although I can’t narrow it down to one origin with one Kamon, I can compile the report with all origins with each attached Kamon for your reference. If you find it relevant, please consider my Research Report service. https://www.patternz.jp/product/kamon-research-report/

      Please let me know if you have any questions via the email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!


  • Hello there! I was wondering if you have any information regarding the Nakajima family crest. Been dying to find information about my family, thanks in advance

    • Hi Issao, 

      Thanks for the comment! Could you tell me about your Nakajima family domicile in Japan, such as the prefecture? Also, please let me know about the kanji characters of your Nakajima family. I’ll look up to see whether I have related information with my resources. You can write to me back via the email address below. 

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!


      • I’ll send you the information I have through the email you sent me right away. Thanks once again!

  • Hello, I was wondering if you could tell me more about my last name Kusuda and my moms maiden name, Shiraishi. I was wondering if anyone could find the Kamon/family crest of both.

    • Hi Josh,

      Thanks for the comment! Could you tell me about family locations such as prefectures? Both the Kusuda (楠田) and Shiraishi (白石) families. I’ll look up with my resources whether I have any related information about them, including family origins and family crests.

      You can write to me back via the email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!


  • Hello,
    I went to Yokohama to visit my grandfather‘s grave. And on it had the family crest. His last name is Ame. Our family crest is the one from the Takenaka clan. My grandfather was born in th late 1800’s. While I was reading, I found out there were parent houses the Kamon belonged to. Are parent houses important? Thank you. I’m interested in your research as well.

    • Hi Emma,

      Thanks for the comment! If you mean the main family by “parent houses,” yes, it’s significant since the main family lineage from which branch families emerge, and as a result, the family crest also increases. If I misunderstood your question and my answer is off the mark, please let me know. You can write me back via the email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!


    • Hi Tamera,

      Thanks for the comment! I have related information about the Shimizu (清水) family from Ibaraki Prefecture. They have five different origins with eight family crests. Although I can’t narrow it down to one root with one Kamon, I can compile the report with all possible origins with Kamon for your reference. Here’s my Research Report service detail: https://www.patternz.jp/product/kamon-consulting/

      Please let me know if you have any questions via the email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!


  • Hello!
    I was wondering you know if a circle around the design has a meaning? I’m asking because my Japanese mother (who is 91 years old) said that only the oldest son could use the father’s kamon and subsequent sons had to put a circle around it to indicate that they not the firstborn son. Is my mother remembering correctly?
    Thank you for your time.

    • Hi Teresa,

      Thanks for the comment! Your mother remembers it correctly. It’s a Japanese tradition that the firstborn son inherits the Kamon of the family and other sons have to add some outline or swords or vile to distinguish from the original one. Putting a circle is the most common practice but we have many other variations, too. However, I’m not very sure how much this tradition is alive to this day.

      Please let me know if you have any other questions. You can write to me via the email address below.

      Have a nice day!


  • Was hoping to see if anyone could help me as i am trying to find my family crest but not sure if i have one last name is Tsuhako. Im American asian & my grandma tells me that my great grandma who is 104 now (still alive)
    Her father was a samurai of royal & disowned her because she married a farmer. Not sure how much is true but would love some help..

    Thank you best regards.

    • Hi Joshua,

      Thanks for the comment! I have related information about the Tsuhako (津波古) family from Okinawa, including their origin and the Kamon. Do you know your father or grandfather’s names in kanji characters? If so, please let me know. If you would like further information, I can compile the report about the Tsuhako family with my Research Report service. https://www.patternz.jp/product/kamon-consulting/

      You can write me via the email address below if you have any questions.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!


    • Hi David,

      Thanks for the comment! There are many websites that carry many Kamon, and some of them have general meanings but for a few patterns. They are all come in Japanese. You can see kind of database by typing “家紋” (Japanese family crest) and “一覧” (list) in google, but you might want to get a book for meanings. “Elements Of Japanese Design: Handbook Of Family Crests, Heraldry & Symbolism” written by John Dower is a good book to understand significance and symbolism of Kamon.

      I hope it helps!


  • We visited my grandfathers grave site in Boyle Heights, California prior to my father (Mitsunori Kawagoye) passing and had this symbol on the headstone. Along with some kanji for we think is River Crossing . We are trying to determine if it is the family crest for the Kawagoye Family.

    • Hi Jim,

      Thanks for the comment! Could you send the photo of that symbol to me? Also, could you tell me about your family domicile in Japan (such as prefecture)? I’ll look up with my resources whether I have related information about the Kawagoye Family.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Still trying to discover the Tatsumoto (辰本) family crest from Hiroshima. My grandfather was Saburo Tatsumoto – his father was Minosuke Tatsumoto, mother was Tora Kirihara. He had at least 2 sisters, Hatsumi and Mitsuko Tatsumoto. Saburo was the only one who remained in Hawaii – the rest of the family returned to Hiroshima ~1920.

    • Hi Ryan,

      Thanks for the comment! Unfortunately, I don’t have related information about the Tatsumoto (辰本) family from Hiroshima. I can introduce you to a family tree creation expert who may help you discover your family crest. His research starts with acquiring a family register, so you need IDs to prove the relationship with the person who had Japanese nationality.

      Please let me know if you have any questions. You can write me via the email address below.

      Have a great day!

  • Am American Japanese and want to make my own crest. I want to know if there are any crest with a fox or sumire flower design or jewelry?

    • Hi Jessica,

      Thanks for the comment! In the traditional Japanese family crest design collection, while being rare, several sumire flower patterns exists, but not fox ones. Although, I’ve seen modern artist made some fox motif crests.

      Good luck with your crest design!


  • Hi Hiroko,
    I was wondering if you would have any information on some kamon/crests my family sent me! Mine is seen on 14 D-7, and my family name is Fujimori (藤森), do you think this is correct? I did some deep diving and saw that the crest is the same as the Sugawara Clan- would we be descendants if this is our crest? I never had the opportunity to meet family in Japan, or if I even have family still there! I would just love to uncover more about my Japanese family history. I am a Yonsei living in America, but my family in Japan is from somewhere in Kyushu- either Kumamoto or Fukuoka. Thank you so much! 🙂


    • Hi Erin,

      Thanks for the comment! Unfortunately, I don’t have related information about the Fujimori (藤森) family either from Kumamoto or Fukuoka prefectures. But since your family member sent you the photo of the Plum Pattern in a Circle (Maru-ni Umebachi,) it should be your Kamon. Like you have researched, this Kamon is largely related to the Sugawara clan but not belong to this clan alone. Clans/families which have faith in the Tenjin (Shrine) also adopted it as their family crests. So it cannot be determined conclusively, but it is likely either a branch of the Sugawara clan or a case where the family crest was adopted from the local popularity of Tenjin belief and its crest.

      Your family member might have more information since they already know the Kamon.

      I hope it helps and feel free to let me know if you have more questions via the email address below.


    • Hi Jesse,

      Thanks for the comment! Could you tell me about the kanji characters of the “Yoza” family (perhaps 与座 or 與座?) and the family address in Japan? I’ll look up with my resources whether I have related information about your family, including the family crest and the roots.
      You can write to me via the email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Hi Hiroko,

    Very cool to see this nearly 8-year old post still having such an active comment section!
    I am looking for more information on two kamon/mon/crests of my family. I am a Yonsei living in Canada, my great grandparents moved here from Fukuoka and Kagoshima. I am going to email you as well but I wanted to post here just in case any of my distant relatives come across this post.

    Firstly, for the 増田 Masuda family of Kanda, Miyako, Fukuoka. The family does have a rough idea of how this one looks as we have a blurry photo sent to us from the council of Yobaru town in 2001. It appears to be two elongated tapered vegetables crossed, each with 3 leaves at the top, and contained within a circle. We don’t have the grave location however, but hopefully this is enough. I could provide an exact address to you if needed as well.

    Secondly, for the 浜崎 Hamasaki family of Ei, Ibusuki, Kagoshima. We are not even sure if this branch of the family had a mon. I would love to know if you have any further information.

    Thank you,


    • Hi Trevor,

      Thanks for the comment! I saw your email in my mail box. I truly am glad that this blog post and comment section have become a medium to interact with people who wants to find a connection with their ancestors. It’s my pleasure to provide information which may be of their help.

      Anyway, I’ll get back to you soon by email.

      Thank you!

  • Hello Hiroko,

    I’m currently looking for the kamon for my surname Onchi. From what I’ve been told, before immigrating to America (1900s), the Onchi’s came from the Shimane Honshu prefecture. The oldest relative I can trace back to Japan is Hidekichi Onchi. Sadly I don’t know the kanji for Onchi. However hopefully you’ll be able to find something anyway.

    Thank you

    • Hi Reilly,

      Thanks for the comment! Unfortunately, I don’t have the related information about the Onchi family from Shimane prefecture. But I can suggest the kanji characters of your family name. It can be either “恩地” or “恩智.” Osaka and Wakayama prefectures have many Onchi families, and I have related information about them.

      Please let me know if you have any questions via the email below.


  • Hello Hiroko, I’m now looking for my Grandmothers side. Thank you for helping me find my grandfather’s side recently.

    稲田 Inada from Hiroshima

    I am trying to find the Inada family crest from my grandmothers side. Those that are still around do not know. I know there may be different crests for different Inada family. My Inada family are from Hiroshima originally and my great Grandfather Rinjiro Inada immigrated to Hawaii in the late 1890s he is buried in Hawaii and his grave marker has no family kamon.

    • Hi Natalie,

      I see now you’re looking for your Inada family crest from Hiroshima. I have the related information about the 稲田 family from Hiroshima in my resources. They have two different roots with different family crests. I can compile the report for you with all possible roots with Kamons for your reference, although I can’t narrow it down to one origin and one Kamon.
      Please let me know if you have any questions via the email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you,

  • Please help me find my Kamon. My last name is higo and my family is from Kagoshima. I have been told that our crest is two crossed feathers. Hoping someone can help me confirm this. Thanks!

    • Hi Jason,

      Thanks for the comment! Unfortunately, the Higo (肥後) family from Kagoshima prefecture doesn’t carry Crossed hawk feathers (Chigai-takanoha) in my resources. It shows the Higo family has several other different family crests with one root. But it is possible that the crossed hawk feathers are not recorded for any reason. Who did tell you about it, that should be your Kamon? That someone was sure about it since he/she saw the gravestone at family temple, or is it the knowledge handed down for generations?

      You can write me back via the email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

    • Hi Jason Higo
      I am looking for the Higo family crest. Would you mind sharing what you found with us please?
      Stella (Higo) Bergeron

  • Hello,
    I am looking for the Japanese crest Tsuneda 経田 from Toyama originally.
    I have a blurry image of the crest from photos taken at my grandfathers funeral but so unclear. I can send the blurry image if that helps.

    • Hi Natalie,

      Thanks for the comment! Please send that photo to the email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

  • I am trying to help a friend find their family mon. The history that he sent is interesting
    The family was sent to the Philippines during the early 1900s.
    The Last name is Horie. I’d like to forward documents sent to me that might clarify the family origin in Japan.
    Sandra Watanabe

    • Hi Sandra,

      Thanks for the comment! You can send me the documents via the email address below.

      I will look up in my resources whether I have the related information about your friend’s Horie family, including the Kamon and their possible origin.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

      • Thank you I will forward letters that I believe were written back and forth from the Family.
        Best regards Sandra

    • Hi Shizuko-san,

      Thanks for the comment! Could you tell me where is your Yagami family domicile in Japan? Where did your grandfather come from? Also, knowing the kanji characters of the Yagami family will help. I can look up in my resources whether I have related information. You can write me back at the email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

  • I am trying to find the kamon for Yojiro Furuya. He is from Yamanashi Prefecture, Matsusato Mura, and I do have a koseki for the family. Can you tell me what the kamon would be for this family?

    • Hi Carol,

      Thanks for the comment! I have related information about the Furuya family from Yamanashi Prefecture, including its Kamon. The Furuya family has some variant kanji characters. Could you tell me which ones, such as “降矢”, “古屋” or “古谷”? Each has several different origins and family crests. You can write me back via the email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Hello, Hiroko San!

    What a wonderful blog post this is. I am a Nikkei Yonsei and have been searching about where I can find my families’ crests. I have my mother’s family crest, but I haven’t the slightest idea where to find my paternal line’s crest. The family name is 丸治 from Kumamoto-Ken, Kikuchi-Gun. Could you help?


    • Hi Jonathan,

      Thanks for the comment! But quite unfortunately, I don’t have the related information about the Maruji (丸治) family from Kumamoto-ken in my resources. If you are interested in the fieldwork to discover your Maruji family crest, I can introduce you to a family tree creation expert. It’s quite a rare family name. If you happen to know your relatives in Japan, that would help a lot.
      If you have any questions, please let me know via the email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Hey, how are you??
    I’d like to know if there’s a Kamon for the Sugimoto family. All that I know is that my grandfather was born in Wakkanai (North of Hokkaido).
    Thank you!

    • Hi Paulo,

      Thanks for the comment! I have the related information about the Sugimoto (杉本) family from Hokkaido, including a possible origin and a Kamon in my resoruces. Please consider my research report service if you want me to research further.

      You can write to me back via the email address below.

      Please let me know if you have any questions.

  • I have bought a second-hand furisode that I believe has the Tsuta-mon from the Matsuyama clan! It is simplified but the shape is no doubt the ivy. I wish to know more about the family history. Is there an official database to see the family lineage?

    • Hi Ceen,

      Thanks for the comment! First of all, many clans and families share the Tsuta-mon, so you can’t really know which clan that ivy crest belongs to. I put the Tsuta-mon on my site just as an example. And there is no such database to see the family lineage on the internet as far as I know. When I research a certain family lineage when I know its family name and its domicile, I use my resources (physical dictionaries and books) which contain information about origins and family crests. When I don’t have a family name with a certain family crest, it’s pretty challenging to gain any information unless that Kamon is very rare.

      Did the seller give you any other information about your furisode? Other information might be a clue to get to know the owner.

      I hope it helps and please let me know if you have any other questions.


  • I see a crest for Matsuura but is that for all the Matsuura’s? My Matsuura side is from Kumamoto and I don’t think we are samurai lol.

    • Hi Ruth,

      Thanks for the comment! As you have guessed, this crest (paper mulberry crest) is just an example for one Matsu’ura family. I see the Matsu’ura family from Kumamoto has another crest in my resources. The Kamon can be diverse even with the same family name depending on their origin and the domicile. If you have any questions, please let me know via the email address below.


  • I was wondering if you could possibly tell which clan this kamon belongs to. It is a circle, and inside the circle is a six sided star, and inside the star is a flower.

    Thank you

    • Hi Steve,

      Thanks for the comment! Could you send me the photo of that crest? So that I may be able to identify what that really is.
      You can write me via the email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

  • I have a helmet with a crest on it. I actually know it’s either 14-D-14 or -4-D-17, the person who gave it to me is from Okayama and he bought it from a local antique shop. Could you please tell me who those emblems corresponded to?

    • Hi Abraham,

      Thanks for the comment! The Yotsu-meyui crest (four squares with dots) mostly belongs to the Sasaki clan. They are originated from the Minamoto clan descended from Emperor Uda.
      Please let me know if you have more questions via the email address below.

      I hope it helps!

  • I would like information on my family crest. My GGGG Grandfather was a Makabe and part of the Samauri. How do I find his crest or trace him? My other GGGG Grandfather was Asami. I don’t know if he was part of Samauri but I do have his crest. Any help would be appreciated.

    • Hi Angela,

      Thanks for the comment! In case I have the related information about your Makabe (真壁?) family I can compile the report including the possible family crest and the origin. I can look up in my resources once you tell me the Makabe family domicile (such as prefecture). However, I can’t guarantee 100% of accuracy even I have some information. To trace your Makabe family and discover the exact Kamon, you need to have the koseki (family register) and know the family temple where your family tomb carries the family crest.

      Please let me know if you have any questions via the email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Hi,

    I am looking for any information about my mother’s family kamon.

    Her maiden name is ‘Doi’.

    Her family was originally from Osaka, but they re-located to Yokohama sometime around the early 20th century.

    Thank you.

    Tom K

    • Hi Tom,

      Thank you for the comment! Could you tell me the kanji characters of your mother’s Doi family? There are several different kanji characters of the Doi family and they have different origins.
      You can write me via the email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Hi, l wish l could know my grandparents family’s Crest. My japanese grandmother’s surname, before married, is 大滝 and my grandfather.surname is 田中。

    Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

    • Hi Rodney,

      Thanks for the comment! Could you tell me the Otaki family domicile and the Tanaka family domicile (not detailed one but prefecture will do)? Then I can look up whether I have the relevant information for each family.
      You can write me via the email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

    • Hi Edna,

      Thanks for the comment! Could you tell me where your family came from? Such as prefecture?
      Also, provide me with the kanji characters of the family name, Nitta would be helpful.

      You can write me back via the email address below.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Hello! Please help me identify the symbol. I am holding a samurai armour. The kabuto shows a mon of the Honda clan. The cuirass (do) shows a constellation of seven stars with a polar star on the end. The image is similar to the Shonai domain flag, but the position of the stars is not the same.
    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • Aloha, I’m looking for the Fujiwara mon. From what my father told me, he found relatives in Japan, I think it was in Shiobara. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • My great grandfather was Ushijima Kinji, known in the US as George Shima. Do you know where I can find more information about the history of our family crest outside of Kurume?

    • Hi Lara,

      Thanks for the comment! I think you should start to trace back your koseki (the family register). Or you can contact your relatives to gather information about your Kamon.
      I can introduce you to a family tree creation expert if you want. He may be able to find more information about your family crest.
      You can write me via the email address below.


  • My family crest is a balloon flower, however, I see at least a couple of different patterns, one inside a black circle, the other w/the flower alone. My grandfather emigrated to Hawaii from Hiroshima. Are you able to clarify which pattern might be ours, or if there is a real difference? Thank you in advance.


    • Hi Jeff,

      Thanks for the comment! Can you send me a photo of your family crest so that I can recognize the difference? You can send it to me via the email address below.


  • Help! I’m trying to find my morhers family crest her name is Ikuko Seki, she was from Tokyo that’s all I know. Pleasant send my website?

  • My fiances grandpa is from Fukuaka and grandma is from Kumamoto and we have been trying to find her family crest and design for a lot of years now. Can you please help us out, that would be great. thanks

    • Hi, randy

      Thanks for the comment! Usually, the family crest is descended from a male ancestor. So I assume your fiance’s family crest is from her grandfather.
      I have the related information about the Imamura (今村) family from Fukuoka. They have three different origins and different family crests.

      Although I can’t narrow it down to one root and the family crest for your fiance, I can still compile the report with these all possible origins with family crests for her reference.
      Research Report service
      Research Report service review

      You can write me back via the email address below if you have any questions.


  • hi, i wondered if anyone has recognised all the kamon used on the 7 costumes for the Seven Samurai. I’m Martin from the UK and its one of the greatest films ever made. thx

  • hello! my last name is Takeuchi (otherwise known as Takenouchi from what i’ve read). i’m unsure of what prefecture my last name comes from since my grandfather was born in the US & he was very private about his parents and life in Japan. He’s unfortunately passed since but I’m to believe that my great-grandparents were from either Tokyo or Osaka. do we even have a Kamon for our family?

    • Hi bina,

      Thanks for the comment! Does your family name 竹内 or 武内? Either way, both family names have their family crests in Tokyo and Osaka.
      If you have any questions, please let me know via email.

      Have a good day!

    • Hi Nina,

      Thanks for the comment! Could you tell me where your Hirota family comes from? Once I get the Hirota family’s domicile (such as prefecture), I’ll look into my resources to see whether I have the related information about the family crest and origin.
      You can write me via the email address below.

      I hope to hear from you soon!

    • Hi Denise,

      Thanks for the comment! Could you tell me where the Oyadomari family came from? Once you let me know the Oyadomari family’s address in Japan (such as prefecture),
      I can look into my resources if I have any related information including the family crest.
      You can write me via the email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Konnichiwa, I would like to know if there is a Kamon for the name Yamazaki and if you could show me what it looks like or point me to a place where I can find it, domo.

    • Konnichiwa Chris-san,

      Sure, the Yamazaki families have many Kamons.
      It depends on where and which origin your Yamazaki family is from. Do you happen to know which prefecture your Yamazaki family originated from?
      You can write me via the email address below.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!

    • Hi Charles,

      Thanks for the comment! Yes, there are various crane crests.
      Many court nobles and samurai families adopted them as their Kamon.

      I hope it helps!


  • Hello,
    My mother is of Uemura Wari Kikyo kamon. in Iwaizumi, Iwate, east of Morioka in northern Honshu.
    In a family cemetery nearby near her old home site, there are two other Kamon.

    One has rounded arrow feathers making an “X”, The feather that is upper right to lower left is on top.

    the other kamon is 4 squares. positioned like a diamond with one on top,
    two on either side and one on the bottom, with corners of each square pointing up, down, left and right. Each square has a smaller square in its center positioned the same way.

    can you tell me anything about this cemetary.
    Gerald KIdd
    Humble , Texas USA

    • Hi Gerald,

      Thanks for the comment! About the two kamons in a family cemetery, do they have family names on these graves?
      Do they have graves in the first place? Are two kamons on the same grave or something?

      If you do have photos of them, please share them with me via email.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

      • Greetings
        I would like to ask you for assistance, I am from the 棚原 family from Okinawa, if you could help me I would appreciate it dearly.

        • Hi Jorge,

          Thanks for the comment! Could you tell me the kanji characters of your 棚原 family’s males? Such as your father or grandfather. Knowing them might lead us to narrow down its root and family crest.
          You can write me via the email address below.

          Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Hi, I’m interested in learning more about the Nagayoshi 永吉 family crest (from Kagoshima/Okinawa). My grandmother shared a picture of the family burial site and it has a crest on it that appears to be the 3-5-3 paulownia crest. Do you know anything about this?

    • Hi Christopher,

      Thanks for the comment! Let me share the fact about your Nagayoshi family crest, the 3-5-3 Paulownia crest.
      Japanese take it as a promising design because they believe Phoenix lives on a paulownia tree. Also, the Japanese government uses this crest as the government crest. Therefore, people assume it as an authoritative crest as well.

      I hope it helps!


  • Hello!

    I’m looking for the Kurosawa kamon. It’s been lost to the family for some time. We thought we found it, but it’s the same as the one listed under Minamoto, so it may be wrong.

    My husband’s great grandfather Gensaku Kurosawa came to the U.S. by boat in 1911 from Yokohama, and was a former artillery captain. We’ve lost all other information.

    Can you give us any insight on his kamon?

    • Hi Jessica,

      Thanks for the comment! You have found your Kamon, that’s great! The family crests I showed in the articles are examples. We share the same Kamon with many different family names.
      Could you tell me how did you find your family crest? If it’s on the family grave, that sure is your Kamon.
      You can write me via the email address below.



    • Hi Leevon,

      Thanks for the comment! Could you tell me where your Otsuka (大塚) family is from? Once you provide me with your family address in Japan, I’ll look in my resources to see whether I have the related information, including the kamon and its history.
      You can write to me via email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you,

  • Hello, I was wondering if you had the kamon for the akamatsu family from Kobe. My grandmother and great grandmother came from Kobe and I’m just curious what the family crest looks like.
    Thank you

    • Hi John,

      Thanks for the comment! I have the related information about the Akamatsu (赤松) family from Hyogo Prefecture (where Kobe city is located), including the kamon. The Akamatsu family have four different kamons with one origin. Although I can’t narrow it down to one kamon, I can compile the report with one origin and four different crests for you.

      Please let me know if you have any questions about the Research Report Service.


  • Hello! Do you happen to have any information regarding the kamon for the Iwama family from the Iwanuma area of Miyagi prefecture?

    • Hi Douglas,

      Thanks for the comment! I have the related kamon for the Iwama (岩間) family from Miyagi Prefecture. Unfortunately, no origin information is available. If you would like, I can write a one-page report on the family crest of the Iwama family at the cost of a one-page translation ($80).

      You can write me at the email address below.

      Best regards,

  • Hi there! I was hoping you could help me out. My last name is Ikemoto and my grandfather gave me a picture of our kamon a long time ago, but that was the only time that I had ever seen it anywhere growing up. I found an image of it on another site and they called it “kikko-ken-katabami”, so I was wondering if you’ve seen other Ikemoto’s with a similar kamon or am I completely off?

    • Hi Ikemoto-san,

      Thanks for the comment! Could you provide me with the Ikemoto family address in Japan, such as Prefecture? Then I can look into my resources to see whether I have related information about the Ikemoto family including their family crest.


        • Thanks for your info. Unfortunately, the Kamon of the Ikemoto family from Hiroshima Prefecture in my resources is different from what you describe. An arrowhead pattern crest is in my resources. But that doesn’t mean your family crest is not valid. If your grandfather gave you that picture of “Kikko-ni Ken-katabami” (Creeping wood sorrel with swords in the hexagonal pattern), that is your family crest for sure.

          Please let me know if you have any questions.


    • Hi Gail,

      Thanks for the comment!
      I can look up if I have any related information about the Nishimura, Hayashi, and Imamura families once you provide me with each domicile (family location/address in Japan such as prefecture).
      You can write me via the email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Hello, I am looking for information on the Nakayama family Kamon. My grandmother and her family was from Okinawa, Japan and her maiden name was Nakayama Fumiko.

    • Hi Holli,

      Thanks for the comment! Unfortunately, I don’t have the related information about the Nakayama family from Okinawa Prefecture in my resources.
      Thank you for asking!


    • Hi Ishiro-san,

      Thanks for the comment! I understand you are looking for information about the Tanaka family crest. Could you tell me where your Tanaka family is from?
      Once I know the family domicile in Japan, I can look into my resources to see if I have any related information.

      I’m looking to hearing from you soon!

  • I believe the Kamon you show in the above article as Toyotomi is incorrect.

    Actual is “5” “7” “5”.

    Not “3” “5” ‘”3″ that you show in your article. The 5-7-5 is currently used as the official Kamon of the Japanese Government. Our family Crest is the 3-5-3, but includes a heavy circle around the Kanon and a solid dot in the center. This signifies it was bestowed by the Emperor.

    • Hi Jon,

      Thank you for your information! Hideyoshi had a lot of family crests, including 5-7-5 paulownia as well. Emperor Goyozai gave him 5-7-5 paulownia along with the family name Toyotomi. The Kamon I showed in the article, 3-5-3, is bestowed by his boss, Oda Nobunaga. The Ashikaga shogun gave it to Nobunaga. Emperor Godaigo bestowed it to the Ashikaga clan in the first place.

      Thank you!

  • Hi I’m looking for my maternal grandmothers kamon. Her family name was 岩橋 before she got married. Her family is from Sasebo in the Nagasaki Prefecture of Kyushu. I saw it once when I was young and have a very small of it in their wedding photo. She said once it may be a plum blossom. Any help at all would be really appreciated.

    • Hi Mary,

      Thanks for the comment! Unfortunately, I don’t have the related information about the 岩橋 family from Nagasaki Prefecture. Does your grandmother still have that wedding photo? If you can send it to me, it may be helpful to identify it.
      You can write me via my email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Hello. I am looking for my family crest (Kawano). I didn’t find it in the images above. The only information I have is that my grandparents came to Brazil from Hiroshima.

    • Hi Bruno,

      Thanks for the comment! I have the related information about the Kawano family from Hiroshima Prefecture with the family crest and its origin. I can compile the report for your reference if you’re interested in the research report service ($299.99).
      You can write me via the email address below.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Other than Shimabukuro. My grandma last name on her birth certificate says Shimabukuro. But supposedly we are Higa and my great grandmother’s maiden name was Maeda

  • Hello,
    My great grandparents migrated from Okinawa. We’ve lost everything during the hurricane. And I’ve been looking for years. It’s Shimabukuro. Can you please help me

    • Hi Amber,

      Thanks for the comment! Could you tell me your grandfather’s name with kanji characters?
      Let me look at my resources if I have the related information about your Shimabukuro family from Okinawa.
      You can write me via email below.

      Looking to hearing from you soon!

  • Hi!
    I recall my grandparents (they have passed many years ago) telling me that Japanese moms were passed down from the mothers’ families/lineage in Japan. Is this correct?

    • Hi Lori,

      Thank you for the comment! Yes, that’s correct. However, not every female has that crest, called ‘Onna-mon’ (女紋). This tradition spreads mainly in the Western part of Japan. So it’s not common that females in the Eastern part of Japan to have one unless they were from the Western region.

      I hope it helps!

  • I have recently found my families kamon but would like to know as much as I can about my family, the link to the consult service isn’t loading could I get help with that?

    • Hi Koben,

      Thanks for the comment! So you have found out about your Kamon and would like to know more about your family.
      Could you tell me about your family name with the kanji characters and family domicile (such as prefecture)? Then I will look into my resources to see whether I have the related information about your family.

      You can write me via the email address below.

      I am looking forward to hearing from you!

    • Hi Natalia,

      Thanks for the comment! Do you know where your Kondo family came from? Such as prefecture? Once we get to know where your family came from (which part of Japan), we may be able to find some related information about your Kamon.
      You can write me via patternz.jp{at}gmail.com

      Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Hi Hiroko,

    My mom went to Japan years ago to research the Masuda (増田) family kamon. It’s two falcon feathers crossed over one another surrounded by a circle. She bought a glass etching to put into the obutsudan and gave me a paperweight with the design as well. As I started to look into the background of this crest, I found very little, but I noticed that it made a difference if the feathers are right over left or left over right. They apparently belong to two completely different families. I took my paperweight over to my mom’s house and realized something horrible—the glass etching was the reverse of mine. So I have no idea which one is the correct one.

    I’m not one for tattoos but was planning to get a tattoo on my shoulder of this family crest. Now I don’t want to do this because I might end up with the wrong one. I don’t know how many agencies specialize in the family crests of Japan but if you helped my mom way back when, thanks but we are still uncertain which is the correct one. Can you help us?

    • Hi Mike,
      Thanks for the comment! The first thing, let me be sure that the family crest your mother gave to you is the right one. Since the crossed hawk (falcon) feathers crest usually have left over right. Perhaps the seller who sold your mother two products was not really familiar with family crest design. Once you confirm which is the correct family crest your mother found out, that should be the pattern for your tattoo.

      Does your mother have a photo of the Masuda family crest? Probably did she research the family grave back then?
      If she happens to remember how it’s called, it will help.

      You can write me at the email address below.


  • Hello,
    My Name is Djuna Nagasaki and my family is in Search of our family crest. Unfortunately my family was in the Japanese Internment camps in Canada during the second world war, and lost much of their heritage and family history. Our kamon or family crest was lost at this time. Now my Family is desperately looking for it.

    From what we know, we come from a Samurai family from Fukuoka. The last Samurai in our family was named Kinzeamon Nagasaki, but some say he was called Samurai Zono. His wife was named Tsuro and he died in 1917 at the age of 59. He had 3 sons called Buuenmon, Kakuuemon and Kohachi(my great Grandpa).

    Please Let me Know if there is anything you know that might help our search.

    • Hi Djuna,

      Thank you for reaching out to me. I have the related information about the Nagasaki family from Fukuoka Prefecture. They have an origin with two different family crests in my resources. Although I can’t narrow it down to one family crest, I can compile the report of the Nagasaki family from Fukuoka with root and two-family crests for your reference.
      If you are interested in it, please consider my Research Report service ($299.99).

      If you have any questions about my services, please let me know via email.

  • Matsuyama-San,

    My family still holds the family crest and I am trying to do some self-research on the origin of the crest! My family is from Mie, currently residing in Hachioji! I have a picture of the family crest but it seems to be a mix between some crest origins! The surname of the family is Asai. There is records of my ancestry working as government officials. Is there any way you could help me find the origin of where my crest came from, or any information regarding the crest?

    Thank you!

    • Hi Rey,

      Thank you for reaching out to me! I understand that your family, Asai-san is from Mie Prefecture. Could you send me a photo of your family crest? I have the related resources of the Asai family from Mie, and I want to see if I can provide you with any helpful information.

      I’m looking to hearing from you soon.

  • I am looking for our family crest. Our family originated in Yamaguchi.
    I tried to access the link for the crest consulting service but it appears to be a bad link.

    • Hi,

      Thank you for the comment and for notifying me of the bad link. I have the related information about the Fujii (藤井) family from Yamaguchi Prefecture. There are four different origins, and various family crests are attached to each in my resources. Although I can’t narrow it down to an origin and a family crest, I can compile the report, including all the possible root and family crest for your reference.

      You can check my services ($299.99/Research Report Service), and please let me know if you have any questions about my services via the email below.

      Best regards,

  • Hello, I’m looking for information on my family and my family crest. My family I think originated from the Yamaguchi prefecture in the Kagu district. My family name is Shimada.

    • Hi Skyler,

      Thank you for the comment! We have the resources about the origin and the family crest of the Shimada family from Yamaguchi Prefecture. The Shimada (島田) family has two different roots and five different family crests in our resources. Unfortunately, we can’t narrow it down to an origin with a family crest. Still, we can compile the report with these origins and family crests for your reference.

      Feel free to let us know if you have any questions about our services.


  • Hi,
    Does it have significance if a crest is filled in instead of just an outline? Or is it just the design that counts?

    • Hi Shelby,

      Thanks for the comment! Could you send me the photo of the crest you’re mentioning here?
      You can send it to the email address below.

      Thank you,

  • Hi. My family’s last name is Takai and I have distant family members from Gifu where they supposedly fished using cormorants. I’ve read that they possibly used the Gentian as their family crest but wanted to see where I could find more information about this. Thank you in advance!

    • Hi Travis,

      Thank you for the comment! In our resources, the Takai (高井) family from Gifu Prefecture has three different origins and each different family crest. None of them have a gentian pattern, though.
      We can compile the report of the origin, history, and family crest(s) of the Takai family from Gifu for your reference if you like.
      Research Report Service ($299.99)

      If you have any questions about our service, feel free to let us know!

      Best regards,

  • I would like to know the origin, meaning and lineage of my family crest. My grandfather gave it to me when he passed. Family crest is Mokkou.
    Arigato go za imasu

    • Hi Darcy,

      Thank you for the comment! Do you have an image of the Mokko crest which your grandfather gave to you? The Mokko crest has many variations so that the photo would be helpful. Also, did your grandfather tell you about the lineage of your family? If you gave me the family name and the family location in Japan, such as prefecture, it would be helpful to see if I have the related information.

      Thank you,

    • Hi Hisashi,

      Thanks for the comment! Could you tell me about your 有賀 family’s location, such as a prefecture?
      I have the resources to check with a set of information, the family name, and the family location.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Hello, I’m a fourth gen JP American and we don’t know our family crests. Both my grandmother’s and my grandfather’s parents came over from Fukuoka but that’s all I know. My grandmother’s maiden name is Tada and my grandfather’s family name is Yoshida.

    I would be very grateful if you could help me 🙂

    • Hi M,

      Thanks for the comment! We have the related information about the Yoshida family and the Tada family from Fukuoka Prefecture.

      The Yoshida family from Fukuoka Prefecture has various origins and family crests. We can’t narrow it down since it has eight different roots and different family crests.
      The Tada family from Fukuoka Prefecture has an origin with three different family crests.

      We can compile the report for both families or one with the list of origin(s) and family crests for your reference. If you’re interested in it, please consider our Research Report service ($299.99 for each). If you have any questions about our service, please let us know.

      Best regards,

  • Konichiwaaa, do you have Family Crest for Koike ??? Chadofully, the Strong Family on Oregon lands .

    • Hi,

      We can see whether we have the family crest information about your Koike family if you provide us the family location such as prefecture.

      Best regards,

  • Hello,
    I am looking for the kuroyama family crest. My mother‘s family all recited in Sasebo or Nagasaki. If I remember correctly the main house was in the Sasebo area, but to be honest I can’t remember I was a young child at the time when I visited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
    Dōmo arigatōgozaimashita

    • Hi Yukiko-san,

      Thanks for the comment! Unfortunately, we don’t have the related information about the Kuroyama (黒山) family from Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture. If you happen to have new information that might lead us to the family’s origin, please let us know.

      Best regards,

  • May I have your email so I can send you the image of my Japanese family crest. Thank you and send it to my email

    • Hi Yvette,

      You can send us your family crest to: patternz.jp{at}gmail.com.
      We may be able to identify it.



  • はいさい!
    I am looking for my family’s Kamon. My great grand father’s last name was Takamiya and hailed from the Chatan area of Nakagami-gun in Uchinaa-chin (Okinawa). Any assistance would be welcome. 御拝でーびーる

    • Hi Jeff,

      Thanks for the comment! Unfortunately, we don’t have the related information about the Takamiya (高宮) family from Chatan, Okinawa Prefecture. If you happen to have new information about your family origin, please let us know.


    • Hello Jeff, my last name is Takamiya. And long time ago I found a Kamon that is supposedly our family Kamon, put I don´t have the certainty about it.

  • Hello I am interested in finding a family Kamon if one exists. On my father’s side Nakagaki was his father’s name, and Kosaka from Wakayama was his mother’s family name. My mother’s side is Imada from her father and her mother was a Kurata. Thank You.

    • Hi Paula,

      Thanks for the comment! We can check if we have the related information about a particular family name with kanji characters based on its domicile (family location/permanent address). So if you provide us a set with a family name and its domicile, we can check if we have a family crest information.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Konnichiwa!
    I am interested in finding the family crest (mon) for my grandmother who was part of the Noguchi family from the Okawa-Machi Kumamoto-ken area. I do not know what area my grandfather (Mochizuki) was from, so I’m sure I’ll never be able to find that mon. Can you please help with Noguchi? Thank you so much!

    • Konnichiwa Laurie-san!

      Thanks for the comment! We have the related information about the Noguchi family (野口家) from Kumamoto Prefecture in our resources. There are four different origins, and four distinct family crest is attached to each. Please consider our Research Report service if you want us to further research the Noguchi family origins and family crests.

      Best regards,

  • I am interested in finding the “mons” for the Sugimoto, Yoshida, and Kinoshita families from the Hiroshima area. I don’t know if it is possible for you to find this information, but would appreciate it if you could. Thank you.

    • Hi Gail,

      Thanks for the comment! We have the related information about the origin, history of the family crests about the Sugimoto, Yoshida, and Kinoshita families from Hiroshima Prefecture.

      Sugimoto family has an origin and a family crest attached to it.
      Yoshida family has eight different origins and each different family crests attached to them.
      Kinoshita family has an origin and two different family crests attached to it.

      If you want us further research all or any of the families, please let us know.
      Best regards,


      • I’ve just stumbled across this page while researching my family’s crests. Funnily enough, I am also descended from both Sugimotos and Yoshidas in the Hiroshima Prefecture. My grandfather etched the Sugimoto mon many years ago, and I was wondering if you’d be able to tell me if it’s the same as what you have for the Sugimoto family.

        • Hi Melissa,

          Thanks for the comment! Could you send me the photo of your Sugimoto mon to see if I have the related information with my resources? You can write me via the email address below.

          I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

    • Aloha Randall,

      Thanks for the comment! Do you know each family’s domicile (permanent address)? With the family name and the domicile, we may be able to know some related information about Tomita, Arai, or Mie families in our resources.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!


    • Hi Natalie,

      Thanks for the comment! We have related information about the origin and family crests of both families.
      The Takatsuka family from Nagasaki Prefecture has one origin with two family crests attached to it.
      The Yamashita family from Nagasaki Prefecture has six different origins and one unknown, with a total of 15 different
      family crests attached to them.

      We can’t narrow it down to one origin with one family crest in both cases, but we can compile the report listing these origins and family crests for your reference if you wish. If you want us to research further, please consider our Research Report service.

      Best regards,

  • Question: What family has this Kamon? Could it be the family crest of The Morimura family who started Noritake?
    Kiku no ha surrounding a central Dakimyoga.
    Symmetrical Chrysanthemun leaf sprays surrounding a central hugging Japanese ginger pattern,
    Can provide images.
    This family crest is on the front of a set of fine Noritake china , with a 1912 RC Yajirobe Noritake Nippon Toki Kaisha backstamp.

    • Hi Robert,

      Thanks for the comment! Could you send that photo of the kamon to us?


  • Hello! My name is Kawakami, and I was told that my family’s kamon is a four-petaled flower (with round petals) inside of a circle. I found it listed as “Maruni Mokko” in one place, but I was wondering if there was any more information on this, or if there was another crest that was also affiliated with the name? Another name in my family is Hiura, and I’m not sure what that kamon is affiliated with that. Thank you for literally any information at all, it is greatly appreciated!!

    • Hi Kawakami-san,

      Thanks for the comment! If you have that Kawakami family crest, please send us so we would be able to recognize what exactly it is.
      Also, about the Hiura family crest, if you know where the Hiura family came from such as the prefecture, we might have related information about the family crest.
      Please contact us via the email below.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!


  • Hi hiroko
    We have a home in etajima and have a mon that is octagonal with 3 water waves inside the octagon. There is a temple with our mon in takehara. I wish I could get more family history

    • Hi Kono-san,

      Thanks for the comment! Unfortunately, we don’t have the information about the exact family crest you describe here with the Kono family from Hiroshima, but most likely the Kono family from Hiroshima originated from one clan. If you want us to further research the origin of the Kono family from Hiroshima Prefecture, consider our Research Report service.

      Best regards,

    • We have information about the Kitamura family from Tokyo, yet there are two different kanji characters of Kitamura. One is “喜多村”, and another one is “北村”. Could you tell us which one is your family name kanji characters?
      You can write us at patternz.jp{at}gmail.com

      Best regards,

    • Hi Phil,

      Thanks for the comment! We have related information about the Kawakami (川上) family from Kumamoto Prefecture. There are seven different family crests attached to this family and two different origins. If you want us to research further, please consider our research report service.

      Best regards,


  • Hi, and thanks for any help. I have a spotty family history, but my family name is Kitamura on my grandfather’s side. They are from Minamisuna. Curious about any information related to the family crest. Thanks!

    • Hi R,

      Thanks for the comment! So your grandfather’s side family, the Kitamura family are from Minamisuna. Is this Minamisuna in Tokyo? We may be able to find some information if you provide us where exactly that Minamisuna is.

      Best regards,


  • I’m looking for my great grandparents kamon. My great grandfather’s last name was Kubo and grandmother was Kato. I’m finding the same sign for Kato but just was wondering how accurate. I thought kubo was a commoner name but I’m finding samurai emblems? Thanks!

    • Hi Kaha’i,

      Thanks for the comment! So you’ve found the same family crests for the Kubo and Kato families of your grandparents. If you provide us with the location of each family,
      we may be able to find some related information for you.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!


      • I’m Kubo also, could you help me? My great-grand father came do Brazil in 1913, from HIroshima – shi, they’re related to Yamamoto family. The father of my great-grand father named Gozo Kubo, and my grand father was named Tomoichi Kubo.

        • Hi, Hiroshi

          Thanks for the comment! I have the related information about the Kubo (久保) family from Hiroshima Prefecture. They have two different origins with different family crests in my resources.

          Although I can’t narrow it down to one root and the family crest, I can still compile the research report with two possible origins with kamons for your family.
          Research Report service
          Research Report service review

          Please let me know if you have any questions about my services via the email address below.


  • Hi,
    My family is from Kumamoto, Kyushu and I have inherited a kurotomesode from my great great grandmother with 5 kamon of two hawk feathers in a circle. I wanted to know if there was any information about the surname Nakahara and Manabe both originating from Kyushu (kumamoto possibly).

    • Hi Chelsea,

      Thanks for the comment! We have related information about the Nakahara (中原) family from Kumamoto Prefecture.
      There are three different origins and each different family crest is attached.

      Unfortunately, we don’t have any information about the Manabe family from Kumamoto Prefecture but have
      several different origins and family crests in other prefectures in the Kyusyu area. If you happen to know where that is
      and the kanji characters of the Manabe family, it might help us to narrow down the possibility.

      If you have any further questions, please let us know by email.



  • Hello,
    I have a “being back” WWII sword with a kamon on it that I have not been able to identify. I have found similar designs but none that match it. Is this something you are able to help with?

  • Hello. I’m trying to find my mother’s family Kamon. Her maiden name was Nakahara. Her great, great grandfather, we believe had the name Tiya. If possible I’m interested in both Kamon but would be grateful for either one. She was born & raised in Tokyo. Not sure if that helps or not
    Thank you for any info

    • Hi Carol,

      Thanks for the comment! We have related information about the Nakahara (中原) family in Tokyo with one family crest and origin attached in our resources. Unfortunately, we don’t have any information about the Tiya family but have information about “Taya” (田屋 or 田谷) family in Tokyo. Or it might be Chiya, but that’s just our guess. Please consider our research report service if you want more information about the Nakahara family. https://www.patternz.jp/product/kamon-consulting/

      If you have any questions about our services, please let us know.

      Looking forward to hearing from you,

  • Hello! Is there a family crest for Kamiyama? My maternal grandmother’s surname is Kamiyama. The only thing I can find is something that says a 3-petal lily with a white stem? Thank you!

    • Hi Kate,

      Thank you for the comment! Do you know where does your grandmother’s Kamiyama family from?
      We can look for the family crest of the Kamiyama family with the family location.

      Also, could you send us the image of that three-petal lily if you have one?
      We may be able to recognize what that family crest is.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Hello, We have a family tree (Nomura) document with a crest stamp on it, I don’t know where the document came from so would like to confirm it is, indeed, the family crest. It’s a flower identical to the Ikeda I crest shown above, however, ours shows a white circle around the flower (like the Abe crest circle). Is this correct? I would like to confirm, as a tattoo of the crest is potentially on the line. Thank you so much for any assistance.

    • Hi Liz,

      Thanks for the comment! Could you send us a picture of your family crest to take a look at?


  • Hello!
    I was wondering if there was any information on the Horita/Hotta 堀田 family in Fukui ken, specifically Mikata gun if that helps? Thanks! ^^

    • Hi Chie-san!

      Thanks for the comment! We have one possible origin with three different family crests attached to the Hotta (堀田) family from Fukui Prefecture in our resources.
      We can compile the family origin report and significance of the three family crests with our research report service.

      Please let us know if you want us to proceed!


  • Hello. I have 4 different family crests. The one I will ask about is for family name Kondo. It is similar to Ikeda I shown above but with a circle around it. I know very little information. Can you help?

    Thank You!

    • Hi Jolene,

      Thanks for the comment! The Kamon you mentioned as Ikeda 1 is called “Mokko-mon” (Bird’s Nest Pattern). As the Japanese name suggests; a bird’s nest pattern originated this crest. One of the famous samurai families that adopted this is the Asakura clan; however, many others also adopted it for auspicious value for prosperity.

      Hope it helps!

  • Hello and greetings!

    I would like to know what my family Crest (Kamon) for Kameyama is. I have a photo of my Grandparents grave in Shizuoka, which appears to show it, (a circle with two evenly spaced horizontal lines) but I do not know how to post this photo for your evaluation and comment. In trying to search the many images locatable on the Internet, and see many that are similar, but cannot tell which, if any, are correct. Can you please help me?

    Domo Arigato in advance for any assistance you can provide.

    • Hi Linda,

      Thanks for the comment! You can send us the picture to the email address below. Let us take a look at it and see if we can be of any help.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Hello, greetings from Brasil!

    My father last name is Sato, he was born in Yamagata-ken, in 1936. His first name is Yoshihito. Came to Brazil in August, 18th of 1936, with his family: Jisaku Sato (father), Chyono Sato (mother), Ichio, Nisuke and Shikeyo (brothers), in Montevideo-maru (ship).
    I have been researching for our family crest and I found relation with “Genguruma”, but I also discovered around 12 varieties of this pattern. I wonder how can I confirm which one is the real crest of my family, specifically.

    Thank you for the beautiful work you offer online!

    • Hi Sandra!

      Thanks for the comment! In our resources, the Sato family in Yamagata Prefecture is attached to 28 different family crests with all the same origin. Unfortunately, it’s quite difficult to confirm which is your Kamon unless your ancestors passed down the Kamon or you could confirm it if you know where your family grave is. The family crest should be engraved on that family grave.

      Thank you!

  • Hello. My family name is Mizuno. We found a family crest on a family kimono. It is a double stack rhombus in a 1 -2 pattern. I would like to learn more about it. I haven’t been able to find anything similar except the triple stack rhombus that symbolizes a chestnut. Please let me know if you can help. Thank you.

    • Hi Bryan,

      Thanks for the comment! Could you send us the pic of your family crest? So we might be able to give you some relevant information.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Hi, We are looking for my grandparents family crest, We know very little about them since they passed many years ago. They are originally from Gushichan Son Okinawa. We have been doing research for 40 yrs now, my grandmother was Umaue (Umauye) & grandfather was Fukumoto, (Fukumoto(福本). I had been told that there was a fire in their village & all records were destroyed. I have no more surviving uncles or aunty’s. Please if you can help or point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

    • Hi Mitzi,

      Thanks for the comment! Unfortunately, we can’t find any information for the Umaue (馬上) family of your grandmother in our resources, however, we have some information for the Fukumoto (福本) family from Okinawa Prefecture. Can you tell us your grandfather’s name with the kanji characters? And if he had any brothers, please let us know their names, too. That may help us find your grandfather’s family history.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Hello! I’m trying to find my family crest, Yoshikawa (吉川). My grandmother passed away and I never got the chance to ask her about out family heritage (we live in different countries). My grandmother and her parents were from Hiroshima. Thanks !

    • Hi Naomi,

      Thanks for the comment! The Yoshikawa (吉川) family from Hiroshima Prefecture has four different origins and seven different family crests.
      We can’t narrow them down, but we can compile the report with the list of the family crests and each family origin if you like.

      If you have any questions, please let us know in the comment section!

  • Hello! I’m trying to find the family crest of my grandmother-in-law. Her family name is Miyagi and she is from Okinawa. Any ideas? Thank you so much!!

    • Hi Bethany,

      Thanks for the comment! We have the resources for the Miyagi (宮城) family from Okinawa Prefecture.
      Compared to mainland Japan, less information is available of the Okinawan family crest, so it would be about two-pages long with the
      family origin history and family crest image without its meaning if we compile the report.

      I hope it helps!

  • Hello, My family crest is Asano. Can you tell me more about its origin and meaning. My father’s family still lives in the Yamaguchi prefecture. My father was very proud of the crest but we never really appreciated its meaning. Hopefully I can share what I learn here with them.
    Thank you

    • Hi Stan,

      Thanks for the comment! About the meaning of “Maru-ni Chigai-takanoha” (Crossed Hawk Feathers in a Circle) described as Asano in the post, it’s been loved by numerous samurai families as they respected for martial arts and valor. Hawking was one of the activities they practiced and valued for generations.

      I hope it helps,

  • Hello. I hope you can help me. My mother was born as “平” (Taira). Am I therefore allowed to wear the Kamon “平揚羽蝶” (Agehachō)? Or is “平揚羽蝶” (Agehachō) reserved and not allowed? Because I can buy many objects with “平揚羽蝶” (Agehachō) such as lamps and pendants. I want to honor my mother and my origins. Thank you for your time and answer.

    • Hi AME,

      Thanks for the comment! To answer your question, let me know if you know your family crest. Is that 平揚羽蝶 “Agehacho”? Why I”m asking you because your mother descended from the Taira clan doesn’t automatically means your family carries 平揚羽蝶 “Agehacho” as your family crest.
      The descendants of the Taira clan have many family crests other than that. Once you’re sure that your family crest is 平揚羽蝶 “Agehacho”, you’re qualified to wear them!

      I hope it helps and if you have any questions, please let me know in this comment section!

  • Hi. I was born and raised overseas as a Japanese national and recently moved to Japan to live for the first time. Today I learned that I had a family crest that I’ve been unaware of all these years. It is 丸に七曜. I’ve become incredibly intrigued by this symbol and what it means. would you be able to share any insight in this crest? I would be incredibly grateful.

    • Hi Shintaro,

      Thanks for the comment! We hope you’re getting used to living in Japan enjoying cultural differences and similarities as well. A little about 丸に七曜, these seven circles signify the stars. The belief in celestial bodies and the stars took shape and was used in the family crest. 

      Hope it helps!

  • Hello. I am inquiring about 2 family crests from both my grandmother and grandfathers families. One is “Takahashi” from Gunma prefecture, and the other is “Nonoshita” from Katsuura. Any help you can provide is very much appreciated. Thank you!

    • Hi Matt,

      Thanks for the comment! We have the resources for the Takahashi family from Gunma Prefecture.
      As it is a common family name, there are many different family origins and different (16) family crests are attached to it.
      About the Nonoshita family, if Katsuura is the one located in Chiba Prefecture, it’s quite unfortunate, but we don’t have the resources that match the family name and the domicile.

      If you have any questions, please let us know in the comment section!

    • Hi Mike,

      Thank you for the comment! But it’s quite unfortunately, we have no resources for KONATSU (小夏) from Fukuoka Prefecture.
      Sorry that we can’t be of your help!


  • Hi Hiroko,

    For years I have been searching for my family’s kamon but have never been successful. I’m hoping you can help me. My family’s name is Harada. I have also been struggling to find my grandmother’s maiden name’s kamon, Hiromoto. She is from Hiroshima.

    My father told me that we are not a family of noble blood so a Harada or Hiromoto kamon probably doesn’t even exist but that is just his personal opinion. I am hopeful that there is more to our ancestry than we know and I am determined to find it. Please let me know if you have any leads. I hope you and your family are safe and well during these trying, pandemic times.


    • Hi HH,

      Sorry for the late reply. Could you tell us the family domicile of Harada? Such as prefecture. With that information, we may be able to find out whether we have the resources for your family.
      And with your grandmother’s maiden name, it’s “Hiromoto” but not “Hiramoto”? Why we’re asking you this is because we have the resources for “Hiramoto” family in Hiroshima Prefecture.

      Every Japanese family has at least one family crest generally regardless of its social rank in Japan.

      If you have any questions, please let us know.


  • Hello, I’m trying to find my grandparents Kamon. My grandmothers maiden name was Sagara and came from Hiroshima, my grandfathers last name is Miyake and he was also from Hiroshima.

    • Hi Dayna,

      Sorry for the late reply. We have resources for both grandmother and grandfather’s family crests with different origins.
      Your grandmother’s family is attached to an origin with two different family crests. Your grandfather’s family has three different origins with each different family crest. We can compile the report for one or both if you like.

      If you have any questions, please let us know!


  • Hello,
    Im looking for my mothers family crest if there is one. Her sur name is Mieko Kawakami born 1952 Kumomoto Japan Kyushu island. She was adopted and brought to the states so im trying to piece our family history. Seems to be a slow process these days cause she was adopted by a military officer. There not really forthcoming on in formation from back then. So any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

    • Hi Frank,

      Sorry for the late reply. Is your mother’s family name “川上” or “河上”?
      Kawakami family in Kumamoto Prefecture has several origins and different family crests attached to them in our resources.
      So if you provide us with the kanji characters, we can compile the report with the list of family crests and each origin.


  • Hello. I have recently discovered my great-grandmother’s family mon to be Mitsu uroko with the three fish scales. My question concerns how I can go further than this, how I can learn more about her parents and more covering her lineage and genealogy. I see you have a translation service from Japanese to English concerning documents and that would be quite helpful once I obtain the right documents but as of right now I don’t know where to start. I know what village/city my great-grandparents are from, but where do I look from there to find any other record of them and their families so I can dig deeper into the family line? Any advice pointing me in the right direction would be helpful, thank you.

  • Sara, I would like to get as much information as possible about our family crest for “Tsuru”. I understand that the crane is the symbol and there are many crests but which is the proper crest?
    Thank you,

    • Hi Frank,

      Thanks for the comment. We assume your family name is “鶴” (Tsuru) and you’re looking for the family crest of yours.
      Even the same family name “Tsuru” can have many family crests depending on the location they are (were) based and the origin of their family.
      Do you know where your family location is? We can’t guarantee that we could provide you any related information, however, we can at least tell you
      if we have any information once you tell us your family location (domicile such as Prefecture).

      Best regards,

    • Hi Sally,

      Thanks for the comment! So you’re trying to find out your family crest, the KOGA (古賀) family in Fukuoka Prefecture.
      We found 13 family crests attached to the KOGA family in Fukuoka with all the same origin.
      We can’t narrow down the numbers of the kamon, however, we can compile the report with the list of these 13 family crests and the origin of the KOGA
      family in Fukuoka if you find it relevant.

      Best regards,

  • Hello

    I’m trying to find the Kamon for my grandparents. My grandfather was from nagano and was a Koike. My grandmother was a Okamoto from Shizuoka.

    Thank you.

    • Hi Sara,

      Thank you for the comment! So you’re looking for the Kamon of your grandparents. The Koike (小池) family in Nagano Prefecture for your grandfather’s side and the Okamoto (岡本) family in Shizuoka Prefecture for your grandmother’s side. (If the kanji characters for both family names are wrong, please correct us). We found the 9 family crests and 6 different origins attached to the Koike family in Nagano and the 6 family crests and 5 different origins attached to the Okamoto family in Shizuoka. We can compile the report for both families including the information we’ve just mentioned if you find the list of the family crests and the origins relevant to you. That case, please consider our Research Report service. ($299.99/one family)

      Best regards,

  • Hello! My family originated in Kiyose, Tokyo. My last name is Mizumoto,
    (水本) and I would much appreciate it if you could find any family crest in your database.

    • Hi Haru,

      Thanks for the comment! So you’re looking for the family crest of “MIZUMOTO” (水本) family in Tokyo.
      The family name “MIZUMOTO” is relatively a rare family name, there is not much information on the family crest and
      we can’t find the exact family crest of MIZUMOTO family in Tokyo. However, there are two family crests attached to the family name in other prefectures. One is in Osaka Prefecture and the other is Nara Prefecture. Both of the MIZUMOTO families derived from the same origin.
      If you found this information relevant to you, we could compile the report.

      Best regards,


      • Hello Hiroko! If it would be possible for you to compile a report, that would be very helpful, and hopefully not too much trouble. I’m not quite sure if the information is relevant to me, but it would be interesting nonetheless.
        Thank you,

        • Hi Haru!

          Thanks for your message! We can’t really say the origin of the MIZUMOTO families in Osaka and Nara Prefectures should be related to your family, however, considering the fact that there is no other origin information of the MIZUMOTO family, we may be able to assume the MIZUMOTO family in Tokyo might have moved up from Osaka or Nara Prefectures somewhere in the past. We can compile the report of the origin and the family crests of the MIZUMOTO families in Osaka and Nara Prefectures for your reference as Research Report service ($299.99). Please let us know if you consider our service.

          Best regards,

  • Hello Sir/Madame:
    Greetings! I am from the SHIMABUKU Family/Clan (not Shimabukuro) from Misato-Son, Okinawa-Ken, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Does the Shimabuku Clan have a Family KAMON? My parents never showed my one so I do not know…. Sir/Madame, may I please request if you may help me to identify what the SHIMABUKU Family Kamon exactly looks like…. I have been searching for along time and I got nothing… My daughters are often asking me and I can say nothing…. That is very sad and humiliating for my part… I must know, its my heritage…. If you may have a favorable answer, I will be very glad to send over my e-mail address, Sir/Madame. Thank you very much indeed,

    Respectfully yours,
    Mr. J. Shimabuku

  • Aloha Hiroko,

    I’m doing some research into my Japanese side of my family as I’m moving to Japan this year. I was curious could you tell me the meaning of the Maru-ni-ume-bachi?
    My family are the Suganuma (管沼) from a village called Kinotomura in Kitakanbara-gun and the aforementioned mon was on my ancestors graves in Honolulu.
    Also is it acceptable if I make my hanko the crest of my ancestors?
    Appreciate any help you can send my way

    • Hi James,

      Thanks for the comment! We assume that your family is from Niigata Prefecture by the address you’ve given. The significance of the plum crest “Maru-ni Ume-bachi” lies in its auspicious value. It blooms first in spring which brings hope and sense of relief after the cold winter. The plum used to be more popular than sakura (cherry blossom) in Japan. When it comes to the plum crest, Sugawara no Michizane is the first figure in Japanese history we relate to mention. Please check our article for your reference.

      And it is totally fine to make a hanko out of your family crest! That is a beautiful practice!

      Hope it helps!


  • Hello. I’m trying to find out more about an antique Kamishimo that was in my deceased father’s collections of Japanese stuff… I believe the Kamon on it has 3 evergreen oak leaves arranged in a circle, here’s a closeup of the Kamon on the garmet, https://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-m8cGDDf/1/a655889f/O/i-m8cGDDf.jpg

    and a picture of the whole Kamishimo

    Anything you could tell me about this Kamon or links to where i could find more would be hugely appreciated

    • Hi John,

      Thanks for the comment! The family crest on your Kamishimo is called “Maru-ni Mitsuoi-kashiwa” (Three Oak Leaves Arranged in a Circle).
      The oak leaves have been considered to be sacred leaves since they have been used in Shinto rituals. In the beginning, they had been used as a plate to serve food for the royal family. It’s believed that the deity of leaves resides there to protect and carries auspicious value.

      Hope it helps!


    • Hi Ichiro,

      Thank you for the comment! We research the information of the family based on a set of the family name in kanji characters and the family domicile (such as prefecture, in your case, Tokyo). Could you provide us with the family name in kanji characters that originated from Tokyo? Then we’ll see if we had enough resources to compile the report of the family crest and family history for you.



        • Hi Ichiro,

          Thank you for the information. Although there is not an exact match of the Hishiki (菱木) family and Tokyo in our resources, we found one origin of the Hishiki family in Chiba Prefecture which is right next to Tokyo. Since the family name “菱木” is a rare one, we assume there is a high probability that your family shares the same origin with other Hishiki families in Chiba Prefecture. The two family crests are attached to the Hishiki family. There’s not a long family chart but just the name of the origin and a short description we found. So once we compile the report, that would be one or two pages long with the significance of each family crest. If you still find this relevant to you, please consider our research report service.



  • Hello. I want to find my great-grandmother and great-grandfather’s crests. My great-grandfather’s family is from Yokohama in Japan and his last name is Ogawa. My great-grandmother’s family is from Chiba Prefecture in Japan and her last name is Hirano.

    • Hi Sam,

      Thanks for the comment! So you’re looking for both your grandfather’s family crest and grandmother’s.
      The Ogawa family from Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture has many origins and family crests. In addition, the Hirano family from Chiba Preceture has quite a lot of origins and family crests as well. So we really can’t narrow down to one or several family crests for each family unless we have more information such as some clan name. If compiling the information about them (overview of several origins and family crests attached to them) is still relevant to you, please consider our research report service.



  • How can I find my family Crest? My mother is from Hokkaido, last name Konno her father was Kyukichi Konno

    • Hi Misora,

      Thanks for the comment! So you’re looking for the family crest of the Konno family from Hokkaido. Could you provide us with the kanji characters of the family name? There are several different kanji characters of Konno family and the different family crest is attached to each. However, our resources show there is only one origin attached to the family name “Konno” in Hokkaido.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!


  • I am trying to find information on my mothers side, her last name was Koga and she was born in Kyushu. Is Koga a common name?

    • Hi Melissa,

      Thanks for the comment! The family name “Koga” has several different kanji characters and different origins. Assume your family comes from the Kyushu area, it should be “古賀” and that is a pretty common family name in Kyushu. Which Prefecture is your family in? That information would give us enough information to start our research.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!


  • My family crest looks to be the same as yours identified for Matsuyama, the ivy leaf in a circle. My family name is Murozuka. Is it common for the same crest to be used by many? I am also seeking information about a crest that is a circle with what looks to be three lotus leaves inside of it along the perimeter, all facing inward toward the center. Any information would be helpful!

    • Hi Taylor,

      Thanks for the comment!
      To answer your question, it is common that different family names share the same crest. They should have inherited from the different bloodlines, though. About the lotus family crest, it’s a very rare family crest and there is not much information about it. What we are sure about lotus is that have originated in India and was introduced with the introduction of Buddhism in Japan. There is no information on which clan is attached to this Kamon in our resources.

      Hope it helps,


  • Greetings,
    Our kamon is the crest on my dad’s and his parents grave – it look exactly like 14 D 2 family name is Ueda and my dad (deceased) said we are from Kyushu of the kumamoto clan? do u you know how large kumamoto is? Very-and not sure how that matches with our kamon? at the top of my dad’s family registry it has Mosaku Ueda and then grandmother Emo wife of late grandfather Kakuemon born 1824? oldest daughter of Kichizaemon same village same gun same ken died 1903 .. permanent domicile was? Jinnai-mura Akita-gun Kumamoto-ken. There’s more but mostly curious
    Why did Ueda family have that Kamon 14 D 2
    and curious why sooo many Ueda names all over like university, city etc.. such a common name it seem. I wasn’t born nor raised in Japan so I am at a disadvantage .. I like my kamon just curious why that one for Ueda family..
    thanks for reading

    • Hi Kalena,

      Thanks for the comment! So your family, UEDA-san, is from Kumamoto Prefecture and has the family crest of “Kaga Umebachi” depicted as 14 D 2.
      It’s plum pattern crest and this particular crest is tied to a certain clan which was not based in Kamamoto. Unfortunately, there’s no exact match of the family name UEDA (is it “上田” or “植田”?) with “Kaga Umebachi” in Kumamoto Prefecture section in our resources. The family name UEDA is a popular name in the first place, so it has many origins and different kamon are attached to each and there are quite a few origins and family crests attached to the family name UEDA in Kumamoto Prefecture as well.

      Hope it helps!


      • Aloha,
        It is written on the headstone as your 1st suggestion.

        the family crest on the headstone .. I was informed it is my family Kamon. I do have my family registry (koseki) on the male side grateful for information if have..


  • Hi there,

    I found this page while researching my family’s crest.

    My second great grandfather Kumajiro Tashiro was said to be a samurai in Kanagawa ken. I was sent the family crest by my great uncle. It’s the same crest as the Mizuno and Fukushima clans. . . It’s the three-leaf arrowhead.

    Wondering if you would be able to help me track any information on the Tashiro family and their samurai connection.

    • I’m wondering if we are somehow connected to the Mizuno clan, or If we coincidently have the same crest.

      • Hi H,

        Thanks for the comment! So you’re looking for information about the Tashiro (田代) family from Kanagawa. Could you send us a photo of the family crest? We just want to make sure.
        In our resources, the Tashiro family in Kanagawa has a certain origin with a certain samurai connection.

        Looking forward to hearing from you.


          • Hi,

            You can send your kamon photo to the email address below.


  • Dear Hiroko,

    Good day! I was born at Okinawa Ken and my mother is Okinawan and her family is from the SHIMABUKU Family not Shimabukuro. When I was small boy my mother brought me to my mother’s hometown at Misato-son no Yogi, Okinawa Ken. I am 50% Japanese by birth. I speak some Japanese but do not know how to read nor write Japanese. Could you please help me determine our Family Kumon (OKINÀWAN Family Crest)? It means so much to me and I will greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much!

    Respectfully yours,

    • Hi J,

      Thanks for the comment! So you’re looking for the Kamon of your family, SHIMABUKU in Misato-son (present-day Okinawa City), Okinawa Prefecture.
      Could you provide us with the kanji characters of your family name? That might help us to determine which origin and family crest that your family, SHIMABUKU, is attached to.

      Looking forward to hearing from you.


      • Hello Sir/Madame:
        Greetings! I am from the SHIMABUKU Family/Clan (not Shimabukuro) from Misato-Son, Okinawa-Ken, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Does the Shimabuku Clan have a Family KAMON? My parents never showed my one so I do not know…. Sir/Madame, may I please request if you may help me to identify what the SHIMABUKU Family Kamon exactly looks like…. I have been searching for along time and I got nothing… My daughters are often asking me and I can say nothing…. That is very sad and humiliating for my part… I must know, its my heritage…. If you may have a favorable answer, I will be very glad to send over my e-mail address, Sir/Madame. Thank you very much indeed,

        Respectfully yours,
        Mr. J. Shimabuku


        Madame Matsuyama,
        Greetings! I am very sorry but I really do not know how to write Japanese Kanji or Hiragana writing of my Family Name SHIMABUKU; as such, I cannot provide you with the kanji and hiragana characters you are asking on how our Family Name is written… Despite this, I do hope you may at least help us know what is the Kamon of our family… All I know is my mother’s home town is Yogi, Okinawa-Ken…. Thank you so much for your response indeed, Madame Matsuyama.

        Respectfully yours,

        Mr. Shimabuku

        • Hi J,

          Good to hear from you again! We understand that it’s difficult for you to find out the kanji characters of the family name. Your family name “SHIMABUKU” most likely carries the kanji characters of “島袋” or “嶋袋” in a general sense. Although there is a slight difference in pronunciation between the family name “SHIMABUKU” and “SHIMABUKURO”, they have the same roots. We can compile the report of the origin of the SHIMABUKU family in Okinawa with its family crest with our resources. It may take up to a month to compile the report, but as soon as we finish, we will let you know. So if you want us to advance our research, please consider our most popular research report service.

          Looking forward to hearing from you.


  • Hola buen día

    Mi apellido Nemoto vino de Japón (inashiki prefectura Ibaraki)
    Me dio símbolo kamon y te enviaré foto.
    Quiero saber quien era Nemoto y tiene descendencia de clan o otro

    • Hola Yoshio!

      Thanks for the comment! So that you want to know the family crest of the NEMOTO (根本) family from Ibaraki Prefecture.
      In our resources, there are 8 family crests attached to the NEMOTO family from Ibaraki. Even there are eight different family crests,
      they share the same origin.

      If you want to know more information, consider our most popular Research Report service.

      Please let us know if you have any questions about our service.


    • who was descendants of nemoto (for example minamoto or taira line)?

      Kamon maru ni chigai

      greetings from Mexico

      • So your Kamon is Maru-ni Chigai! Good that you know it.

        Our resources tell they are derived from neither of the Minamoto or the Taira clans.
        They are derived from another powerful clan.

        • Hello Hiroko
          which clan of power?
          in what year was cresta maru ni chigai born yet?
          who founded clan?
          my dad and family did not tell me about crest

  • hello!!
    my name is Raphael, and my Japanese family is in Brazil.
    I’d like to know if we have a crest!!
    We are AKEGAWA.
    thank you!!

    • Hi Raphael!

      Thanks for the comment! So your family name is “明川”? (There are several kanji characters attached to the family name AKEGAWA).
      It’s quite unfortunate that we can’t find the family crests related to your family name. The family name “AKEGAWA” is quite a rare one, there are only about 150 AKEGAWA families reside in Japan.
      We’re sorry that we can’t be of your help, but when you come up with some new information about your family, we may be able to be your help with further research!


    • Hi Pam,

      Thanks for the comment! So you’re looking for the Tushida family crest from Kumamoto Prefecture. In our resources, there is two Tsuchida family names in different kanji characters such as “槌田” and “土田”.
      If you could provide us with the kanji characters of your Tsuchida family, we can identify the possible Kamon and the family origin.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!


  • I am trying to identify an item I have with the Kamon shown above, item 14-D-10 . I would like to return it to the family, but am told that to give it to the consulate here in the U. S. would just put it in the hands of the government and not the family it belongs to. Can you help me? It is nothing illegal. It is just an antique from the early 20th century.

    • Hi Bill,

      Thanks for the comment! If you could provide us with the family name and the family location (domicile such as prefecture), we may be able to find the information of your Kamon (14-D-10).

      Regarding your concern about sending the item with that Kamon, we don’t think there would be a problem if the item is something legal.

      Hope it helps,


  • I found a drawing of a kamon among my father’s things. He has passed, so I have no way of knowing if it is our family kamon or not, for sure. Our last name is Ishida and his family, we think originated from Fukuoka. Is there a way to verify this with such little information, as there is no one left on his side to ask….

    • Hi Kimberly,

      Thanks for the comment! So you’d like to know if the drawing you found should be your family crest of the Ishida family from Fukuoka. Could you send us a picture of that drawing?

      We can check it with our resources and see if there’s any related information for you.

      Looking forward to hearing from you,


  • Hello! My family’s name is Hiraga (平賀) and I don’t find the family’s kamon. I’d like more information about my family. My grandpa was Hiroshima-ken.

    • Hi Sandra,

      Thanks for the comment! So you’re looking for the kamon of the Hiraga (平賀) family from Hiroshima Prefecture.
      With our resources, there is one match of the family crest and the origin of the Hiraga family.
      If you want us to proceed with further research, please consider our research report service.

      Hope it helps!


  • Hello, my family’s name is Tagawa, 田川, which means rice plantation next to river, we’re from Kure, close to Hiroshima, how can I find the Kamon crest?

    • Hi Julia,

      Thanks for the comment! So you’re looking for the family crest of the Tagawa (田川) family from Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture.
      With our resources, there are one origin and two possible family crests are attached to this family.
      If you want us to proceed with further research, please consider our Research Report service.

      Best regards,


  • Aloha

    I’m of a part Japanese descended from my mom’s father of both sides and the surname is MURAKI. It means “ Village Tree “. I do know the Kamon crest but I do not know the name; it’s a Japanese plum.

    I was told that it was a nobility samurai. Much appreciated if you can help me.

    Thank you!

    • Aloha Yvette,

      Thanks for the comment! So your family crest should be some kind of plum pattern: Ume-mon. Do you know where your family came from? Where they were in Japan such as prefecture? That may give us a clue to find your family origin and the Kamon as well.

      Looking forward to hearing from you!


      • Aloha!

        I was told that they came from Hiroshima and they emigrated to Hawaii in late 1800’s. Also, I was told that we came from a family of nobility samurai. It’s all I know.

        Hope that helps.

        • Aloha, Yvette!

          Goot to hear from you!
          Unfortunately, there’s no exact match of the family name “MURAKI” (村木) and Hiroshima Prefecture in our resources.
          However, we found the origin of the Muraki family in general and there are several family crests attached to different locations (prefectures).
          If you find this information relevant to you, we can complete the report for your reference as the research report service.

          Please let us know if you have any questions about our service.


  • how can I find my family crest? My last name is Okamura, my grandfather was Dintaro Okamura of Imazumi Japan

    • Hi Elizabeth,

      Thanks for the comment! So you’re looking for the family crest of “Okamura”. We may be able to find your family crest based on the family name (Okamura) and the family domicile (location). Is the family domicile Imazumi (今住), Nara prefecture? Or other prefecture? If you could provide us with the kanji characters of them (family name and family domicile), that would be better. If not, it’s still ok. We just want to make clear where your family location is (was).

      Looking forward to hearing from you.



  • Hi Hiroko, thanks for your great work. I am investigating the origin of my wife’s kamon, it is maru-ni-umebachi and I have read in previous posts its possible origin but I do not know if giving you the last name of my wife’s grandfather and great grandfather could you give me more information. His last name is Sakai 坂 井, the graves are in Hiroshima and we know and lived in Nagasaki and his ancestors were doctors. I hope that with all this you can give me more information. Many thanks

    • Hi Sergio,

      Thanks for the comment. So you’re looking for the origin and history of the 坂井 (Sakai) family crest from Nagasaki. Quite unfortunately, we can’t find Maru-ni Umabachi in the section of the Sakai family from Nagasaki in our resources. We are very sorry that we can’t be of your help. If you get to know some clan name or anything which would lead us to know the origin of your wife’s family, please let us know.


  • I have a photo of my grandfather wearing a kimono with family crest. How can I find out more of it’s origin? Ando Family of Yamagata-ken is the last name.

    • Hi Yumi-san,

      Thank you for the comment. So you already know your family crest and want to know the origin of the kamon and the Ando family from Yamagata prefecture.
      We see the list of four family crests attached to the Ando family from Yamagata and all of them are derived from the same origin.
      Could you provide us with your family crest (the image or the name)? If that matches one out of the four family crests, there is a high probability that your origin should be the one that our resource shows.
      And of course, we can compile the report of the origin and history of the family crest.

      Looking forward to hearing from you soon,


  • I am Looking for the Kamon for the Senzaburo Hori family line from Shibata-machi, Niigata-ken. Japan about 1845. His wife was Chino Enumata. Who can help find the correct Kamon for this samurai family? who can help find who their parents were?

    Thanks Shirley Grant

    • Hi Shirley,

      Thanks for the comment! The Hori family from Niigata has possible four origins and several family crests attached to each origin.
      With our resources, you can’t really narrow down to the exact family crest and the origin of your family where there is more than one origin with one family crest on the list.
      So what we can provide you is the possible family crests and family origin.

      In order to know the parent’s names of Hori Senzaburo-san, you need to obtain the Koseki (family register) at a local government office (Shibata-machi in Niigata prefecture).
      The best possible way is you have family members or relatives there who can do things for you.

      Below are the steps you can take to find your family crest and origin.

      1. Ask your family and relative members.
      2. Visit the family tomb (there should be a family crest on the tombstone) in your family domicile.
      3. Check the household Shinto altar, Buddhist altar, or mortuary tablet if you or your family members/relatives have any. You may find the family crest on these items (or formal kimono, etc…).
      4. Ask the head family.
      5. Obtain the oldest family register (Koseki) dating back to the Meiji era (or even the late Edo era) to get to know which family (clan) your family derived from.
      6. Ask the specialists. They offer you the services of finding your family crest, the origin, and more.
      (Standard plan costs about $1,100 while the advanced research plan costs $4,400 which lets you know if your ancestors were samurai. It comes only in Japanese.)

      Hope it helps!


  • I recently bought a used montsuki kimono with a family crest on it and i would very much want to know whose it belong to. It has similar design as Naito II but the flower expand more and touched the circle line. Can I send you the picture?

    • Hi Shaz!

      Thanks for the comment! Sure, send that family crest and we’ll see if we can give you any clue about it:)


  • I am a playwright researching my family history as part of the play I am currently writing, primarily the story of my mother’s journey as a Japanese war bride. I have not been able to find her family Kamon. I have searched online on numerous websites and looked through the books JAPANESE DESIGN MOTIFS, TRADITIONAL JAPANESE FAMILY CRESTS for ARTISTS AND CRAFTSPEOPLE by Isao Honda, and THE ELEMENTS OF JAPANESE DESIGN by John W. Dower.

    My mother was born in Fukuoka, Japan, March 7, 1928. I’ve always known her family name to be Sajima (with a “j”) but recently came across some papers that have it written Sazima (with a “z”) instead. I’m not at all sure what to make of that. It may just be a typo made by the USAF. Can you help me?

    • Hi,

      Thanks for reaching out to us! So you’re looking for the kamon of your family “Sajima”. Either “j” or “z” can be used for written Japanese, there’s no phonetic difference. Do you know the kanji characters of them? Such as “佐島” or “茶島” or “猿島”? Knowing the kanji characters of them might help us to find your family crest.



      • Hiroko,
        I do not know the kanji characters but I will do some digging and see if I can find them. I have probably seen this in some of the papers I have but since I do not read kanji I probably overlooked it completely. Let me see what I can find and I will get back to you with that. THANK YOU!
        Mildred Beall

  • The symbols for the Arima clan and the Oda clan are very similar, and it is difficult to tell which is which. I have some armor that I need identified as to whether it is from one clan or the other.
    I would be more inclined to think that armor is probably more common for Oda, but the symbol looks like the NON-Hizen Arima. Any chance to get help with this?

    • Hi Andrew,

      Thanks for the comment! So you have the armor with the family crest which looks similar to the Oda Mokko. Could you send us the screenshot of that family crest on the armor? We might be able to recognize what that really is and get a chance to see which clan it belongs to.


  • Hi,

    This post is really great. A ton of information, and it’s easy to follow.

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t include my family’s kamon. I’m trying to research it, But I don’t have much to go on. I know that our Japanese family name is Asaki, and we landed in CA in the 1920s. My grandmother was the first in our family born in the US.

    Are you able to help me out?

    • Hi Jeffery,

      Thanks for your compliment. So you’re trying to find out your family crest of ASAKI-san. We conduct research based on a set of the family name (ASAKI) and the family domicile in Japan such as prefecture. Do you happen to know where your family came from when they first headed off to CA in the US?


      • I really don’t know. Rumors range from Nagasaki to Osaka to Okinawa. Unfortunately, I’m not able to pin it further down than that.

        Thank you.

  • Hi Hiroko,

    I wanted to reach out and inquire about a family crest/Mon!

    My grandfathers name is Kagimoto, his father was born in Japan in Hiroshima, same with his grandfather, but his brothers and sister were born as issei here.

    I was wondering if you would be able to provide any additional information as to what that Mon might look like?

    Thank you so much!

    • Hi Stephen,

      Thanks for the comment! So you’re looking for the family crest of “KAGIMOTO” (鍵本?) san from Hiroshima prefecture. We’ve seen our resources and found one family crest associated with your family name in Hiroshima and some possible origins. If you would like us to research further on your family crest and origin(s), please consider our research report service. https://www.patternz.jp/product/kamon-consulting/



    • Hi Mark,

      Thanks for the comment! So you’re looking for your mother-in-law’s family crest of 吉野さん. Do you know her domicile? A set of the family name and its domicile can narrow down the possibility of the kamon candidates.


  • I was wondering if you could help with the name kawaguchi 川口. Grandfather used to have the crest up at their house when i was little. But since theyve passed and i moved away no one seems to know what happened to it.. If i recall it looked like to vertical arrows

    • Hi Luisa,

      Thanks for the comment! So that your family crest should be some pattern with arrows. If you know the family domicile in Japan (such as some prefecture), we can conduct research for the 川口 (Kawaguchi) family and we can be sure whether it contains some arrows and the possible family origin.

      Hope to hear from you soon,


  • Hello Hiroho

    My name is mike I collect Japanese swords I recently purchased 2 authentic swords with the tri-force symbol engraved on them and with script engraved on the sword

    Each sword had different script engraved on it – From what I can tell these swords originate from the Hojo Clan (Mitsuuroko – 3 scales)

    I was put in touch with people in Japan and China and they cannot read the script

    The design of this sword is used in the Legend of Zelda video game

    I wonder if you would please allow me to send you an email of a picture of the sword and a picture of the script on each sword and help me to figure out where these came from and what the script says

    I would appreciate whatever help you can give me


    • Hello Mike,

      So you’ve got two swords with Mitsu-uroko crest supposed to be originated from the Hojo clan. We can’t guarantee if we could read the script, but still, sure, you can send the pics so we might be able to figure out what it says. -> patternz.jp@gmail.com



  • Hello Hiroko,

    Could you help me with these family names “Assahida” and “Kawakami”? Its been hard to find something. Do you know if there’s a kamon crest under these family names? Both from Kumamoto province.

    Thank you so much

    • Hello,

      Thanks for the comment! Do you know the kanji characters of each family name, Assahida, and Kawakami?
      There are two varieties of the kanji characters of Kawakami in Kumamoto. One is “河上” and the other is “川上”, both of them have several origins and attached family crests.

      Unfortunately, we don’t have any related info for the family name “Assahida” (perhaps it would be Asahida “旭田”?), can you provide us with its kanji characters as well? It might lead us somewhere.



      • Hello Hiroko,

        The correct kanji for our Kawakami family is “川上“ and the correct name is Asahida “旭田”. Can you help me with those family crests?

        Once again thank you so much for your attention

        • Hello again,

          Thanks for the correct kanji characters for Kawakami (川上) family. There are two different origins and seven different kamon attached to the family name. For Asahida (旭田) family in Kumamoto, unfortunately, aside from the info that 旭田 families reside in Hirayama, Arao city, Kumamoto, we can’t find any related info in our resource.

          If you want us to further research o Kawakami (川上) family in Kumamoto prefecture, please consider our Japanese family crest “Research Report” service. https://www.patternz.jp/product/kamon-consulting/



  • Have recently bought a katana and the paperwork says it’s from the omogata family..do you have a Crest from this family…the katana was made around the 1930s

    • Hi Justin,

      Thanks for the comment! Are there kanji characters of this family name “Omogata”? Any other info in paperwork such as where this family resided?


  • I have recently acquired some Edo period Kusari pieces of a Gode-Kote, there appears to be a Kamon in gilt on one of the pieces, are you able to advise if this is a Kamon and refer me to any publications which might illustrate this, which is the best email address to send you a picture

  • Good afternoon,

    I’ve been searching the internet for the 家紋 family crest for the family name 袴 Hakama (from Toyama 富山県) because it is such a rare / unusual name, I can’t seem to find it, but do you know if if exists? Does every family have a crest?
    The other problem with searching the internet for the name Hakama together with family crest, is that every website only shows the family crest printed on the clothing also called hakama (^_^;) which makes is more difficult to search for the family name.
    Or is there an office 区役所 city ward office / 図書館 library or other official office that might have a publically available list of Kamon family crests?
    I’d really appreciate any advice you can offer.
    Thank you so much, in advance.

    • Hi Hakama-san,

      Thank you so much for reaching out to us! As far as I know, there’s no such thing as publicly available Kamon list.
      If you know where your family temple is, you might be able to obtain the info of the Kamon as they should keep their parishioners’ info from generation to generation.

      It is unfortunate we don’t seem to have the info of your family name “HAKAMA” from Toyama prefecture at hand. All I can say is the family name HAKAMA mostly exists in Toyama, Hokkaido, and Saitama prefectures now.

      If you know some relatives in your area in Toyama prefecture, they may have some info about the family crest or origin of your family. Also, you can ask them about the family temple of yours which might lead you to the next step.

      Hope it helps!


  • Hello,

    First of all congrats for you research! Its very hard to find something about our japanese family around the internet! So im trying to find my family crest! Could u help me on that? My surnames are ASAHIDA (or ASSAHIDA) and KAWAKAMI. Both from Kumamoto province. I would be so glad if u could help to find our family crest! Its been awhile since im doing my researches but with no success!

    Thank you for your attention

  • hello Hiroko-san, I stumbled upon your page and would like to congratulate you for the awesome work.
    I’ve been told over the years that my family descended from the Minamoto clan, even using the sasa rindō kamon, and the little I could discover in the internet kind of confirmed that. I wonder if you have any info on that branch (Minamoto no Yoshiie) and/or whether or not confirm if the ascendancy is true. thanks!

    • Hi Ishikawa-san,

      Thanks for the compliment! So that your family descended from the branch of Minamoto no Yoshi’ie of Genji (Minamoto clan) and carrying the Sasa-rindo. Quite unfortunately, we’re not taking orders of Kamon research service at the moment, however, we may be able to resume our practice after July. Please check us back after July!

      Fond regards,


  • Hello, I was hopeful that you could identify the Crest titled 14-D-7. What clan or family name did that belong to?
    Thank you in advance for your response.

    • Hi Ashley,

      Thanks for the comment! Well, first of all, the kamon you mention here is called “Maru-ni Umebachi” (Plum pattern in a circle) and several clans used them as their kamon. The most famous one is Maeda clan, however the crest they used is slightly different in details. When we talk about the plum crest, Sugawara no Michizane should come first as he is the one who is thought to be the originator of this Kamon. You can check our blog post to find out more about him. https://www.patternz.jp/onryo-japanese-vengeful-spirits/#michizane

      Hope it helps!


  • Hi, how are you?

    I think you might help me! 🙂
    I`m trying to find the Ishibashi family crest, but no success. Do you have any Idea Where I can find it?
    Thank you so much!

    all my best wishes, From Brazil.

    Rodrigo Ishibashi

    • Hi Rodrigo,

      Thank you for contacting us! So you’re looking for your Ishibashi family crest. Do you know where your family came from (Prefecture)? It’s quite unfortunate that we’re not taking orders of Japanese family crest research at the moment since we don’t have the resources with us now. We may be able to resume our practice in July, so please check us back at that time!



    • Hi Tracie,

      Thanks for contacting us! So you’re looking for the kamon of your Hayashi family, however, quite unfortunately, we’re not taking orders of the Japanese family crest research at the moment. We may be able to resume our practice in July so please check us out that time!



  • Hello!
    What does mean “Fujiwara clan” family crest , but turned upside down, if it does make sence? I have it on my kimono, what I got as a gift from Japan. I really appreciate any info!

    • The kamon you mention here should be called either “Climbing wisteria” or “Hanging wisteria” (depending on the way from which you call it upside down) the crests designed with wisteria is somewhat related to Fujiwara clan for sure. Wisteria pattern represents a long-life, elegance, and reproductive power. Many varieties of patterns exist including the upside down one. But interestingly enough, the closest families didn’t adopt the wisteria pattern as their crest since they didn’t really have to boast its bloodline as everyone knew they were close to the original Fujiwara clan. To sum it up, you can assume the former holder of the kimono or the owner should have been related to the Fujiwara clan. It’s something to see them in early May when they bloom in Japan. It feels like a dream walking under the wisteria.

      Hope it helps!


  • Hi, my surname is Shimada and my father is from Chiba. Does our family/clan have a crest? Is it possible that there could be more than 1 crest for each clan/family? Do all those having the same family surname are really related to each other? Thank you.

    • Hi Mich,

      Thanks for the comment! Every Japanese family has at least one kamon. So your family definitely has one, too. Sometimes they carry more than one family crest according to their history especially coming from the notable samurai ancestors (clans) since they held several crests for political and practical reasons. Having said that, it’s more common one family has one kamon but not more than that nowadays. And to answer your question whether the same family names are related to each other, yes and no. If one family name is really a rare one, chances are they might be related to each other, however, common family names have numerous origin and history all over Japan. So having the same family name doesn’t make them share the same family origin or crest.

      Hope it helps!


  • Hi my last name is Sakai (酒井), and my mon is the one pictured below “where you see kamon today.” I was wondering where you found this shop. Although we have immigrated from Japan five generations ago, I’m wondering if I’m distantly related to the shop owners.

    • Hi Sakai-san,

      Thanks for the comment! The mon you mention is called “Maru-ni Ken-katabami” (Wood Sorrel with Swords in a Circle) and it is one of the popular Japanese family crests, so it doesn’t necessarily relate to your family directly with this store in Kyoto. Even with exact the same kamon, origin and history can be totally different. So the important thing to know about it is where your family came from, and which clan or family yours are related.

      Hope it helps!


      • We have the same kamon as well, though my family would be either Kobayashi (great-great grandfather) or Nakamura (great-great grandmother) from Hikone in Shiga prefecture. My great-great grandparents house is still there with their photos and the kamon above the altar.

        Aside from that I don’t know too much else, I’m wondering if it would be better to ask one of my relatives in Japan to retrieve our koseki to find more information?

        • Hello Kenji-san,

          Thanks for the comment!

          If you’d like to know about the exact figures on your family tree, it’d be beneficial to ask your relative to obtain the koseki which can be traced back as far as it can go.

          If your interest lies in to recognize the possible origin of each family (Kobayashi-san and Nakamura-san) in Hikone, Shiga prefecture and the significance of the kamon, we may be a help to you.

          Hope it helps,


    • Hi Desiree,

      Thanks for contacting us! So you want to know the kamon of Kanakuri or Kanaguri family, however, we’re not taking
      Research report orders at the moment. Please come back next July, we would resume our practice.



  • Hello,
    Seeking any information regarding my mother names Teruko Endo. Born in Sendai, Japan. She had sisters who were Professors in Universities. Sadly, do not know names.

    • Hi Connie,

      Thanks for giving us the comment! So you seek the information regarding your Endo family from Sendai. It’s quite unfortunate we’re not taking family crest research orders now, we’ll take orders again from Next July.

      Please come back next July and have happy holidays!


  • HI, this is a really amazing resource thanks for providing. I am trying to find the mon for the name Ishizuka, any help would be greatly appreciated, I have found no luck. Thanks again

    • Hi K!

      Thanks for the comment! Unfortunately, we are not taking orders of the research report service and related matters. Please come back again next July and we’d be happy to help!


  • Hello,
    I recently purchased a vintage black Tomesode Kimono, that was said to be at least 100 years old. Is it possible for you to tell me the clan that the Kamon on my Kimono would be from. I have a picture of the Kamon that I can send to you.

    • Hi Cher,

      Thanks for contacting us! If it’s 100 years old Kimono, it’s should have been produced at least in early Showa period or Taisho period. Did the seller tell you anything about the former holder?
      Yes, please send the picture of the Kamon on it. You can send it via patternz.jp@gmail.com.

      The possibility is we may be able to list up some related clans because samurai families often possessed more than one family crest.


  • Looking to find our family’s mon. The name is Shimada. I always thought it was the wisteria pattern but i could be very confused anout it. Can you help?

    • Hi Bobette,

      Thanks for the comment. So you’d like to confirm the family crest of yours which you think should be a wisteria pattern.
      We can help you with finding it out with our Research Report service.

      With a set of information, the family name (Shimada) and its domicile (Prefecture), we can provide the possible origin and history of your family and the kamon(s).

      Let us know if you find our service fit for you.


  • Hello!!
    I am actually from a Watanabe family, however, my Watanabe is this 渡部 and my symbol looks exactly like the one you mentioned but for 渡辺… and according to what my family and my ancestor has told me,, different kanji family name means different kamon.. and I saw my kamon today because I went to a Watanabe funeral today and I know what my kamon looks like but my kamon isn’t 渡辺’s kamon… can you please change the last name… please..?

    • Hi Yuna,

      Thanks for the comment. As you’ve written, even with the same family name, they usually have several different kanji characters attached to it and they can have a different family crest. But it is case-by-case. Even with the same kanji characters, depending on the family domicile, they can have different kamon.

      We represent the family crests attached to each major Japanese family names just for the sake of readers as a reference. We have stated there is more than one kamon attached to each family name, however, it confused some readers. We will remove them.

      We really appreciate your comment as you gave us an insight.



  • Hi Hiroko,
    I’ve been wondering about my Kamon. Growing up there was multiple Kamon symbols in my fathers house of “maruni chigai takahona” We have one on the door, one that is framed and a whole bunch more. And after looking at this article I saw that the Kobayashi Kamon is different? I saw what you said about the same family name having multiple different Kamon but can one family inherit another families Kamon? Not sure if any past family was named Nakamura. I’ve just always been told that the “Maruni chigai takahona” was the symbol for Kobayashi.

    • Hi Aaron,

      Thanks for the comment! I’m sure that your family crest is ‘Maru-ni Chigai-takanoha’ as that is the one your family inherited from generation to generation. The family crests we represented in the article are just representative ones with each family name and as we’ve stated in the article, there are a lot more kamons attached to each family name including yours, Kobayashi. We created the list just to show the examples and give a reader a sense of a set of popular family names with representative family crests attached to them. Sorry to make you confused! Although long ago in the Sengoku period (the 15 to the 16th century) and after, some samurai families carried multiple kamons for a political and strategic reason; they still used one kamon as their main family crest though.

      Hope it helps!


  • Hi Hiroko,

    Was looking into my mothers maiden name Sakaguchi, would you be able to find a lead or crest for this?

    Many Thanks

    • Hi Julian,

      Thanks for the comment! So you’d like to know the family crest of your maternal line, Sakaguchi-san. We can help you with finding the possible crest, family origin and history
      if you could provide us with the family name with kanji characters (perhaps 坂口?) and its domicile with our Research Report service. https://www.patternz.jp/product/kamon-consulting/

      If you find it right for you, please let us know.

      Thank you,


      • Hi Hiroko,

        Thanks for the quick reply, yes the kanji is 坂口 and by domicile, do you mean prefecture? if so it as far as I know it is 三重県. Hope this was helpful!


        • Hi Julian,

          Yes, we meant prefecture by domicile. Now we understand your family name is ‘坂口’ (Sakaguchi) and they are based in 三重県 (Mie Prefecture).
          If you want us to proceed with the research of its origin, history, and Kamon; we can do it after we confirm the payment of Research Report. https://www.patternz.jp/product/kamon-consulting/

          Hope it helps!


  • Hello,

    My last name is Uda. I would like to know what the Uda Kamon is..

    Thank you very very much


    • Hi David,

      Thanks for the comment! Do you know your family domicile (Prefecture)?
      A set of information, the family name (Uda) and its domicile can lead us to know the possible family origins and kamon(s).
      We can help you with our Research Report service if you find the fit. https://www.patternz.jp/product/kamon-consulting/

      Hope it helps!


  • Hello!!

    Could you help me? My last name is Yamamoto, but I lost contact with my japanese family, I know that can exist differents kamons for one single family. Do you know which are that kamons for Yamamoto?

    I hope you can help me =)

    • Hi Yamamoto-san,

      Thanks for the comment! So you’d like to know the possible kamon(s) for your family. Like you said, there may be several or more kamons attached to the family name ‘Yamamoto’ depending on where your family came from. Do you know your family’s domicile? The birthplace (such as Prefecture)? We can narrow down the possible kamons with the information, a set of the family name and a domicile. You can check our Research Report service from here and if you find it good for you, please let us know.

      Hope it helps!


  • I highly recommend this service provided by Hiroko Matsuyama and Patternz. Getting information about the Matsunaga Family has been difficult since I never got to meet my great-grandmother or grandfather. Luckily with information from my mother and actually having a copy of the koseki, Hiroko was able to come up with three potential Matsunaga Clan lineage that my mother’s side may be related to. I have known that the tsuta-mon (ivy) was the kamon for the Matsunaga family but I still have to confirm that with my grandfather’s tombstone.

    This service is definitely a great start in helping me learn more about the history of the Matsunaga Clan.

    I will definitely update when I do more on the ground investigation when I move to Japan in the future.

  • Hi Clement, I’ve been wondering why some illustrated representations of the japanese god Ebisu have a particular crest? Is it a thing for all gods or is Ebisu a special case? Does it signify that Ebisu belongs to this family or something like that?


    Thanks in advance.

    • Hi Jair,

      Thanks for the comment!

      The crest Ebisu carries is called Mitsu’tsuru Kashiwa (Three Oak Leaves with Vines) and it’s only attached to him.

      He is the only one who has its origins purely in Japan among the Seven Gods of Good Fortunes (other gods have their origins in India and China).
      Ebisu is supposed to be ‘Hiruko’, who was born to Izanagi and Izanami, two deities in Japanese mythology.

      Ebisu Jinja shrines have Mitsu’tsuru Kashiwa (Three Oak Leaves with Vines) as their shrine crest so he carries the kamon.

      Hope it helps!


      • Oops! You sent this message to Clement instead of Jair, who should have been the recipient.

  • My great grandfather was from Japan. The family name is Tetsuka. Is their a specific kamon for the family? I have seen some, but they seem very generic in appearance.
    Many thanks for your help.

    • Hi Clement,

      Thanks for the comment!
      Do you know your family’s domicile (birthplace) in Japan?
      A set of the family name and its domicile can narrow down the possible kamon(s) of your family pretty well.



      • The Tetsuka family was involved in the porcelain manufacture and trade business in Arita early on, but I don’t know if they were actually from there. Supposedly, the family also owned Nippon china at one point, but that doesn’t really pin down their geographic location.

        Thanks for your help,

        Clem Russell

        • We understand that. Arita town in Saga Prefecture is famous for excellent porcelain manufacture.
          We can still research the Tetsuka family’s possible origin, history, and kamon(s), but as you have already done so,
          it might be more than several possible origins, history, and kamon(s) unless we know your family’s domicile.

          Any chance you might get to know your family’s birthplace? Then we could help you narrow down the information for your family.

          Hope it helps.


          • I am afraid at this point it is a dead end. Should I receive further information I will certainly contact you. For now, many thanks for all your efforts.

            Clem Russell

  • Thank you for your insightful and fun website. The Kamon you use in your PATTERNZ logo seems to be “maru ni tsuta.” Which I believe is the family crest for “Shimizu.” is that your understanding as well? Thank you

    • Hi Fred,

      Thanks for the comment! And yes, the kamon we are using as our PATTERNZ logo is exactly “Maru-ni Tsuta”!

      To answer your question: Yes.
      It doesn’t mean that every SHIMIZU family use the same family crest, however, the resource we have shows us some SHIMIZU families use “Maru-ni Tsuta” as their kamon which is connected to the line of a certain samurai family.

      Hope it helps!


  • We are trying to find the exact lineage for my wife’s family crest, it’s a partial circular shape, almost like the top of a Japanese fan. We cannot find anything on the internet for it. Her great grandfather was from the fukuoka prefecture and the Surname is Koga.

  • Dear Matsuyama San, We born in Brazil. There are many Japanese descendant families here. Could you kindly search about my wife’s family surname Fukumura (福村). Thanks in advance!

    • Hi Galen,

      Thanks for contacting us! So you would like to know the kamon for Jinbo family and Nii family.
      Do you know each family’s domicile (birthplace such as region or Prefecture)?
      If you could provide us them, we may be able to find each family’s kamon(s), also the origin and history of each family’s lineage.

      You can check our services from here.

      If you have any questions, please let us know from here. patternz.jp@gmail.com

      Best regards!


  • Hi, I’m looking for the Kamon for the family name “Yamanoha”. Do you know where I can find any info on this? Thank you

  • Hi, i have a photo from an old gravesite in Japan with the mon on it. it like 4 separated diamonds in a circle. Most of the ones i have found online either have eyes in them or the diamond shape seems elongated. Can you help me? I can send a picture if u tell me how. Thanks!!

    • Hi Sakamoto-san,

      Thanks for the comment! Sounds like you have a kind of Hishi-mon (the diamond pattern crests).
      Yes, we may be able to recognize what it is once you send us the picture. Please send it via patternz.jp@gmail.com.

      Hope to hear from you soon!


  • So I’m trying to find out about my mon. I don’t know which side of the family it belongs to. The names of those two families would be Sakato and Kondo. I was told one side has had samurai in it but I don’t know which one it is. My mon is a four petaled flower with a circle in the middle. The petals are diamond shapes but stretched horizontally. I hope you can help me. Thanks!

    • Hi Dennis,

      Thanks for contacting us!
      The kamon of your family is called “Maru-ni Itsutsuboshi”. It’s a quite rare crest but it has several possible lines we can dig into.
      With a set of your family name and domicile (the main birthplace of your family), we could provide more information about your family’s origin and history in general.

      Hope it helps!


  • Hey so I’m trying to track some family history and I noticed the Toyotomi crest is on all the head stones of my relatives. Could you tell me why that might be?

    • Hi Uno-san,

      Thanks for contacting us!
      The paulownia crests have been given by Hideyoshi to his retainers who had offered great service to him.
      So there are many samurai families that use the paulownia crest as their family crest.

      Your family might have a relation to one of them, the retainers served Hidesyoshi.

      Hope it helps!


  • Hey, I was looking to make an inquiry about a certain crest I had come across online, I’ve been bothered by my curiosity to look further into it. I was wondering if you could assist me in the same. https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/424042121136634954/ … the aforementioned is a link to a thumbnail of a pininterest site that shows the same. the crest on the bottom right hand corner, of that of a star. If you unable to figure out or have trouble loading the image. I would be more than glad to send you a clearer picture of it at the earliest. Awaiting your response eagerly…

  • My ancestry follows: Sosuke Yoshihiro; then second son Kaiemon Yoshirhiro born ?1855 in Yamaguchi Perfecture and took the name Sokichi Abe to avoid the ordered sepuku by the Emperor. Sokichi Abe married Nami ?. The family estate was turned into a resort hotel located on Hikoshima Island. My great grandmother had the swallowtail crest on her kimono. My great grandfather is Rinnosuke Abe and he lived in Fukoaka.

    Would be able to find out any history of my family?

    • Hi Reschin,

      Thank you for contacting us and sorry for the late reply.

      Well, what we can provide is the history and origins attached to a certain Japanese family name and its family crest.
      We can’t research individual family history which would require a family register.

      Since your grandmother had the swallowtail crest, we could research on that, also on the history and the origins of the family name “Abe” from Yamaguchi.

      Does this answer your question?


  • My Family Crest, Akihito Got Coronation twice instead of once in his life. Only the Shogun o.k. the Emperor’s Crowning. So, I told him his Family need not any Shotguns approval. My mother wants us to walk away permanently… When our Clan Conquered another Clan the next born male learns the conquer clans way, his clans way he learns on his own. The Samurai believe in utilize the mind. What’s is my Family Crest. I’m very Americanized! We start to learn our way very young…

  • Greetings from California Hiroko!

    I’m hoping you can help with my families crest.

    My Grandfather and Grandmother’s families are both originally from Okayama. His last name is Nishimura and her’s is Fujiyama. In turn my Mother’s last name is Nishimura.

    Any help is much appreciated!

  • Hi!

    I just got back from Japan with my 84 year old mother and want to confirm our family crest. The family name is Seikii and she grew up in Yokosuka. I believe her father is originally from the northern part of Japan but I’m not certain.

    The family crest on the tombstone we visited at a shrine near Yokosuka appears to be 3 chrysanthemums with a small circle in the middle and we are looking for a clear image of the family crest.

    Hoping you can assist.

    Thanks for any help.


    • Hi Debra, thanks for the comment!

      We could help you with our consulting service https://www.patternz.jp/product/kamon-consulting/.

      With the standard course, you can get the detailed booklet of the Kamon and Japanese family names
      for the full understanding of its significance,
      with your family’s possible Kamon and family name origin and history.

      Let us know if it fits you.

      Best regards,


  • Hi! I am desperately trying to find my family crest for my last name YONEHIRO. I would greatly appreciate any help. My 16 year old son would absolutely love a piece of jewelry with out crest on it. Another last name would be OKAMOTO


  • My husbands family name is KURIKI. I am not sure where in Japan his family originated. We only know of the Kurikis that immigrated to Hawaii.
    Would you be able to find a kamon or history of this name?
    Thank you for providing any information you may have!

    • Hi Lorraine, thanks for the comment!

      Your family name “Hiromoto” has roots in Oe-uji which dates back to Hashi-uji that is considered to be descendants of Amenohohi, who is kami (deity) in Japanese mythology.

      Oe-uji produced a lot of talented poets and scholars so the Court gave them high positions in the Heian period (792-1185).

      One of the most powerful Oe-uji, Oe Hiromoto’s descendants flourished as Samurai family in various regions. One of them produced Mouri Motonari, the famous daimyo (warlord) in the Warring States in Aki-no-kuni which is present Hiroshima Prefecture.

      His family crest is “Ichi-monji ni Mitsu-boshi” (a horizontal line with three stars underneath).

      So that if your ancestors succeeded the crest from its line, this crest is your best bet.

      This is what we have found for the set of your family name and the place you provided for us.

      Hope it helps!

  • Hi. I do have a photograph of my family crest that was on a tombstone but unfortunately the image is not very clear. My grandfather, Kiyoshi Kuwahara, was from Miyahara, now Hikawa, in Kumamoto. Is there a possibility to find a clear image of our Kamon and to know more about my ancestors?

  • Hi. This was really cool to discover. My mom just passed in August and her family name is Yamazaki. Her family crest might be like the kyogoku pictured in the first part of the article. We have a kimono with that crest on the back and a couple of medallions that she said were the crest.
    Would you be able to relate any family history or tell me anything about it.

    • Hi, Emily. Thanks for the comment!

      The crest which titled as “Kyogoku” in the article actually is “Yotsumeyui” which comes from a tie-dying method.

      The kimono you have with a crest on the back is perhaps a “Hitotsu-mon” (one crest) which you can wear at semi-formal occasions (say friend’s wedding party, tea party, etc…).

      The family name “Yamazaki” with Yotsumeyui-mon has a line of Sasaki family which roots can be traced back to Imperial Prince of Atsuzane (893-967). And he was the 8th son of Emperor Uda.

      Hope that helps!

  • Trying to find Mochizuki family crest and family history. Family came from Hiroshima. Is there a website to get this info?

    • Hi Robert, thanks for the comment!

      To answer your question if there’s any website you can get this kind of info, we say yes to some extent if you read Japanese.
      Unfortunately, there’s no informative site you can check them in English as far as we know.

      We use https://myoji-yurai.net/ and other numerous sites to double and triple check to make sure
      what we deliver is authentic information. We use a lot of Kamon books and dictionaries as well.

      Now, let’s move on to your family name.

      The family name “Mochizuki” (望月) has its roots in Samurai family whose home turf was in Mochizuki,
      Saku-gun (County), Shinano-no-kuni (present Nagano Prefecture).

      Mochizuki family is the descendant of Shigeno-uji (family) which was a powerful family whose roots can be traced back to Emperor Seiwa.

      Mochizuki family crest is “Kuyo” (nine stars) – 九曜.

      It was believed to work miracles on road safety, so they put this crest on vehicles like an oxcart in the Heian period (794-1185).

      Let us share the story where did the family name “Mochizuki” come from.

      In 865, the ritual of “Komahiki” was originally performed on August 29th rescheduled to perform on August 15th,
      the full moon (満月/望月 – Mochizuki).
      It was one of the events of the Imperial court that many clans offered their horses to the court as a gift.

      The horses (Uma in Japanese) which offered by Shigeno-uji called “Mochizuki no Uma”, who was the major contributor and later the clans which took over its job to take care of the horses were given the family name “Mochizuki”.

      Hope you find it helpful!

  • What is the Nomura Family crest? My family is from Mikata, Japan. Is there a website to get more of the family history?

    • Hi Naomi-san, thanks for the comment!

      Is “Mikata” in Fukui Prefecture or Niigata Prefecture?
      The family name “Nomura” has several roots, pinning down the birthplace would help the research.

      We use https://myoji-yurai.net/ to search roots of Japanese family names. It’s only in Japanese.

      If you have relatives there, asking them to check the family’s tomb would give you the definite answer.


  • Can you help me find my family crest and the meaning and history. My family name is Nomura. My family is from Mikata, Japan and some are still there.

  • Do you have information regarding the Nomura family crest? My family is from Mikata, Japan. Where can I get some family history?

  • My ancestral family name is Takei. They were retainers to the Asano Daimyo of the Hiroshima Domain. I am also interested in how you find a specific family crest. Is there a specific website?

  • Hi! My name is Deana. I have been searching for some time now trying to find my family crest for “Hiroe”. All I remember is seeing it once on a paper my grandma had, and that it looks similar to a full moon but it is not quite completely full. I would love any help I could get. This is very important to me to have this family information to pass on to my children…

  • Trying to find out if there is a kamon for the Ishibashi family. Any help would be appreciated. My family (mother) was from Chiba.

    • Hi Bill, thanks for the comment!

      Your family name “Ishibashi” has numerous roots as the name suggests “Stone Bridge”, which is everywhere in Japan as the important element for cities and villages.

      Since you have provided the information that your mother came from Chiba, we could say its roots should be traced back to the Minamoto clan.
      Yet the Minamoto clan has numerous lines, so we really can’t trace which is yours.

      But the possibility is they use the representative Kamon of Seiwa Genji (Minamoto clan originated from Emperor Seiwa),
      Sasa Rindo (Bamboo Gentian).

      If we have more information like where your ancestors were before Chiba or some related names or anything which could be a clue,
      we may be able to narrow down the candidates for your Kamon.

      Hope that helps.

  • Hello,

    I am interested in some background information and confirmation if possible. I have a tie clip with the “Matsunaga” symbol (5 paulownia flower leaves?) on it. I was told that this tie clip belonged to my great grandfather and that the symbol on it is our family crest. Our last name is Kishi and I believe my ancestors originated on a small island off the coast of Okinawa. Wondering if this is likely the correct Kamon and possibly some brief history?

    • Hi Kody, thanks for the comment!

      Your family name “Kishi” has four main roots we can trace back.

      We assume your tie clip with “Matsunaga” crest represents 5 Japanese ivy leaves (it’s easy to be confused with paulownia leaves).
      It’s “Tsuta” (Japanese ivy) crest. Is this the one on your tie clip?

      If that’s correct, there is one line which uses “Tsuta” Kamon out of four lines. That is the line of Shiina family who ruled Etchū Province (present Toyama Prefecture) as a feudal lord.

      Their lineage goes further back to the line of Chiba clan of Kanmu Heishi (Taira clan originated from the Emperor Kanmu).

      The “Tsuta” crest is one of the most popular Kamon for its beauty and it was first adopted as decoration on costumes and furnishings of the aristocracy.
      It symbolizes the ability to survive and prosper by entwining itself around other bodies.

      There are more than 500 varieties of “Tsuta” crest due to its popularity.

      Hope that helps.

      • Thank you so much for the quick and very thorough response!
        The Tsuta crest that you linked is very close, but my tie clip symbol is slightly different. I am not sure if this variation changes a lot, but in this picture is the symbol on my tie clip (Column 3, Row 4):


        As you can see it is slightly different than the Tsuta symbol in the number of lines on each leaf. That symbol in the image is the exact symbol on my clip. Does this change or clarify anything? Thank you so much again, I can’t wait to share this information with the rest of my family!

        • Thanks for the attached file which shows your family crest.

          Yes, there are slight differences but the significance is the same.
          That is the “Tsuta” crest which is really popular.

          Hope your family would find it helpful:)!

  • Hello, Ian interested in my mothers maiden name of Kurata, she is fri Shikoku, and my daughter in law’s name I’d Yikake and her family is from Kyoto. Can you offer any inf
    Thank you,

    • Hi Jessie, thanks for the comment!

      Your mother’s maiden family name “Kurata” has two main roots. 

      One is a line of Sasaki clan of the Uda-Genji (the Minamoto clan originated from Emperor Uda) in Bizen-no-kuni (present Okayama Prefecture).
      The representative kamon is “Yotsume-yui” (a pattern originated from tie-dying method).

      Another line can be traced back to Kodama clan of Arimichi family in Musashi-no-kuni (present Capital area, Tokyo, Saitama, and Kanagawa).
      The representative kamon is “Gunbai Uchiwa” (a military fan originally used as a sumo referee’s fan).

      So if you get information about your mother’s family members or relatives have relation with one of each region (Okayama Prefecture or the Capital area),
      you would be able to narrow down the possible kamon for your mother.

      Now, let’s move on to your daughter in law’s family name “Yikake”. It seems like a pretty rare one.
      Could you give us the kanji characters of it, if you know?


      • Thanks for the quick reply, unfortunately, when my mother married a US serviceman in the 1950’s she was pretty much disowned by her family. I have never met any of my Japanese family members, I do know that my mother’s grandfather owned a farm and her father was a fisherman.

        Want to apologize for all the typos, I sent the message from my phone which was cleared a bad idea. My daughter-in-laws maiden name is MIyake, she is from Kyoto….sorry for the miss information

        • Thanks for the information, Jessie.

          People began to have a fridge, a washing machine, and a tv in 1950’s,
          your grandparents on your mother’s side was working hard to recover from the war and build the country strong.

          Shikoku region has four Prefectures, each of them faces the sea and warm climate makes them produce veggies and fruits (especially Satsuma Mandarin in the South part) in varieties and bonito and tuna are the two main products of the fish industry there.

          About the typos, it’s no big deal;)

          Well, give us a time to look into your daughter-in-law’s maiden name “Miyake” from Kyoto, then we will get back to you!

        • Hi Jessie,

          We’ve looked into your daughter-in-law’s family name “Miyake” and found it has at least six roots.
          And those six roots can be divided into numerous lines.

          So we really can’t track down which is which unless we have more information like where they were before Kyoto or
          the related family names, which might lead us to narrow down the possible candidates.

          The surest way to know the Kamon is to see their gravestone.

          Hope that helps.

  • Hi, Servant_H!

    My family name is Ikemoto, and I’ve been told our mon is the two crossed feathers, but I can’t find anything to verify. The research you’re doing here is amazing, and anything you find would be greatly appreciated!

    • Hi Sueko-san, thanks for the comment!

      Before we begin our research, would you give us the kanji characters of your family name to clarify? 池本 or 池元?


    • Hi Michal, thanks for the comment!

      That’s a really good question whether there is any fish motif kamon.

      The answer is yes, but very few. Unlike the scale motif kamon, the fish itself design is very rare.
      Here is a famous scale kamon, “Mitsu-uroko” (three scales) of Kamakura Hojo clan for your information.

      Why is the fish motif kamon so rare? It’s because Japanese family crest has been used most vigorously
      when it was the warring states to distinguish the enemy from ally.

      Samurai liked the designs which made them look strong, daring, and fearless.
      The fish motif didn’t live up to this image since they go rotten pretty quick.

      The only one fish kamon we found is “Taki ni Koi” (carp swims up in the waterfall), its meaning is “succeed in life”.

      This crest was created by “Koito” family in Hitachi-no-kuni (present Ibaraki Prefecture) in comparatively recently years
      (perhaps in the late Edo period or in the Meiji period – the 19th to 20th century), long after the civil war was over.

      Hope that helps!

  • Hello,
    I believe my husband’s family crest is a takanoha with the feathers crossing. However, there are many versions with some having a circle around it some crossing right over left and vice versa. Would you be able to clarify the correct kamon for me? His last name is Ikeda and his family originates from Kitakyushu.

    • Hi M, thanks for the comment!

      The family name “Ikeda” has mainly two roots, yet, considering the fact your husband already provided the “Takanoha” kamon,
      we should trace back its roots to “Toki” (土岐) family in Minou-no-kuni (present Gifu Prefecture) from Minamoto no Yorimitsu,
      who has given its name from Prince of Emperor Seiwa.

      The family crest “Maru-ni-chigai Takanoha” (丸に違い 鷹の羽), hawk feathers crossing, left on the top with a circle is most likely your kamon.

      They also used another crest, “Ageha-cho” (揚羽蝶), the swallowtail butterfly which Oda Nobunaga used as well.

      Also, in Saga Prefecture in Kitakyushu, there used to be the “Ikeda Castle” which built by Ikeda family around the 14th and 15th century, but there is not much information about them. So we can’t really relate this family to yours.

      Hope that helps.

      • Thank you very much for the thorough information and for the speedy reply. This is an amazing service which you provide.

          • Hello again,
            I am hoping you will be able to help me again. I am wanting to verify my maiden family crest. I believe it is four diamond shapes formed into one larger diamond shape. It is for the Yukawa family who are from Kobiki in Wakayama. Also, I think I remember my grandmother telling me that is is customary for the women to continue to utilize their maiden family crest rather than their family crest which they married into to. Can you verify this custom?

          • Hi there again, M!

            Do you have the image of your family crest (perhaps some kind of Hishi-mon)?

            And yes, there’s a custom female line inherits the crest independently from generation to generation.
            So from grandmother to mother, mother to daughter, and to grand-daughter… There’s a certain crest succession on female line aside from the male one.

            The form of this custom vary in regions but the overall concept is the same. So daughter can use both her mother’s crest and family (father’s) crest as well. Also, one can choose which one to use.


          • I believe it is some form of the Kimura or Matsumae or Kyogoku crest you have pictured above in your blog. I know that it is four squares (or perhaps diamond shape) formed into one square (or diamond) with dots in the middle of each square. I don’t know if the point is at the top or if the flat side is the top. I also am not sure if there is a circle surrounding the four squares. I hope this is helpful.

          • Oh sure, the one we showed you the last time was Maru-ni Sumi-tate Yotsume (corner standing four dappled patterns in a circle). file:///Users/hirokoanzai/Downloads/maru-ni%20sumi-tate%20yotsume.gif

            Is this the crest of your maiden family?

      • I’m sorry, but I could not open the link you posted below for the crest. The crest for my husband’s family is the Maru-ni-chigai Takanoha. The crest I am currently trying to verify is for my father’s family from Kobiki, Japan. Would you be able to repost the link for the crest of my father’s family? It would be for the Yukawa family. Thank you very much

    • Hi John, thanks for the comment!

      Let us ask you to clarify your family name. Is it “Aoike” (青池) or “Aoi-ke” ( Aoi family – 葵家)?

          • Ok , thank you , I’ll be waiting to see what you find out . On my grandpa side there is samurai in the family , maybe that will help out a little ?

        • SERVANT H , I see you research for lots of other people , why do you do this , or whats in it for you ?

          • We research by the request because that’s where our interests are in as well as other themes we write.

            So it’s win-win.

            We can have a better understanding of Japanese family crest and history of it, while it may help someone who desires to know his/her
            Japanese family crest.

            Thanks for the good question, John:)

        • I see. Perhaps your family name should be “青池” (Aoike which means blue pond). We’ll search your family crest with this one.

          • Hi John,

            We found out your family name is very rare but there is a lineage which we think it is your family roots.

            The family name “Aoike” has its origin to “Omura” (大村) family of Nagara lineage in Hizen-no-Kuni (present Saga/ Nagasaki region).
            It’s considered that “Omura” family has its roots to Nakatomi-no-Kamatari (Fujiwara-no-Kamatari) who was given its family name from Emperor Tenji.

            Omura family crest is “Omura Uri” (大村瓜). The file name we attached below says “Arima Mokkou” but it is originally “Omura Uri”.
            Omura and Arima families were merged by adoption in the course of the time, so some call it that way.

            Although the Uri means a cucumber, the original design came from the pattern of bird’s nest we see from above, which represents the prosperity of descendants.

            They ruled the Omura domain (present Omura city in Nagasaki Prefecture) in the Edo period (1603- 1868).

            Your aunt Toshiko-san might have been known some family member or relative from that region?

            Hope it helps!

          • I was told that that my family name Aoike has samurai blood . Is there anyway of telling by the name Aoike or the crest symbol ?

          • Yes, Aoike’s roots of Omura family was ruling Omura domain, which means they were Samurai.
            In the Edo period, there were numerous domains and each of them was ruled by Samurai family.

            Does this answer your question?

    • Hi John, thanks for the comment!

      Your family name “Hara” from Saga/ Nagasaki region (previous Hizen-no-Kuni 肥前国) has its roots in Hizen-Matsura family (肥前松浦氏).

      Their family crest is called “Matsura Mitsuboshi” (松浦三星) or “Matsura Boshi” (松浦星), which is one of the star-designed crests.

      In feudal Japan (roughly from the end of the 12th to the end of the 16th century), they consisted of a navy. At the time of the Mongolian Invasions (of 1274 and 1281), clans out of Hizen-Matsura family played an active role to defend the nation.

      Stars played a remarkable role in the Nara and the Heian period (710-1185) for its astrology and spiritual value. The simple circle design is perceived as a star in Japanese family crest realm.

      Its design was popularized by the Samurai (warrior) class for its good omen and simplicity.

      Hope it helps.

  • I absolutely love this discussion on the differences in the Kamon, and I’m looking forward to picking up some of the book resource that you provided in your post! Especially the Japanese Design Motifs book!

    I was wondering if you could help me with the Maternal side of my family. I know the Paternal side (Takeuchi) has the Kamon of the Yotsume, but I’m struggling with information for my Grandmother’s side of the family.

    My grandmother’s birth name is Atsuko Mochizuki, her father was Iwakichi Mochizuki.

    I’m having a terribly difficult time locating the Kamon for the Mochizuki family, including the name of the Kamon and the history of the family itself.

    Any help would be much appreciated!

    • Hi Cerin, thanks for the comment!

      We are really glad that you enjoy our discussion.

      Your maternal side of the family name “Mochizuki” (望月) has its roots in Samurai family whose home turf was in Mochizuki,
      Saku-gun (County), Shinano-no-kuni (present Nagano prefecture).

      Mochizuki family is the descendant of Shigeno-uji (family) which was a powerful family whose roots can be traced back to Emperor Seiwa.

      Mochizuki family crest is “Kuyo” (九曜) – nine stars.

      It was believed to work miracles on road safety, so they put this crest on vehicles like an oxcart in the Heian period.

      Let us share the story where did the family name “Mochizuki” come from.

      In 865, the ritual “Komahiki” was originally performed on August 29th rescheduled to perform on August 15th, the full moon (満月/望月 – Mochizuki).
      It was one of the events of the Imperial court that many clans offered their horses to the court.

      The horses (uma) which offered by Shigeno-uji called “Mochizuki no Uma”, who was the major contributor and later clans which took over its job to take care of horses were given the family name “Mochizuki”.

      Hope you find it helpful!

      • Thank you so very much, it is incredibly helpful. My Grandparents don’t speak much about our family, and I’m trying to help maintain records and information for myself and my cousins as much as I can during my free time. I have a strong interest in my family background and a desire to further understand the culture that I was born to, but wasn’t necessarily directly taught. My grandparents and their families were in the camps during WW2 and so they stopped passing down cultural information and traditions due to that experience, so my cousins and I don’t have a lot of history and I’m trying to recover that for us.

        Your help with this is tremendous! Thank you!

        • Hi Cerin,

          We are really glad that you found it helpful and so grateful for you sharing your family history with us.

          We’ve launched the consulting service https://www.patternz.jp/product/kamon-consulting/, so we may be able to help you further there.

          Anyway, we are so happy you have begun the first step of finding your family roots.

          Good luck with your journey!


  • Hi! I’m looking for my family’s mon. Our last name is Uraisami, my grandma said she thinks it’s two hawk feathers crossed…any info would be much appreciated!

    • Hi Adam, thanks for the comment!

      Your family name “Uraisami” (浦勇) is quite rare, however, perhaps your ancestors came from Wakayama prefecture, Osaka or Hyogo prefecture since the name originated from Wakaura Bay, Wakayama city, Wakayama prefecture.

      There was a sumo wrestler who used “Uraisami” as his ring name in Hyogo prefecture, people might have adopted the name since the Meiji period (1868-1912).

      Since it’s relatively a new family name, there is not much information which we can relate to your kamon. However, since your grandmother told you the kamon is two hawk feathers crossed, let us share the information about it.

      “Chigai Taka-no-ha”, two falcon feathers crossed crest, is a pretty popular kamon which has been used among many daimyo (feudal lords) and direct retainers of the shogunate in the Edo period (1603-1868).

      One of the samurai families which used “Chigai Taka-no-ha” is Asano clan, since one of its base ground was Kii-no-kuni (present Wakayama), you may be able to claim it is the origin of your family crest.

      During the feudal period, military officers display falcon feathers at the side of their headgear.

      Also, several shrines such as Aso and Higo shrines adapted the crest as their shrine crest, prodiving a religious dimension stressed by many families who later used it as their family crest.

      Hope it helps!

  • Hi. I am a 3dr generation Japanese Canadian. My grand father’s name was kametaro mori and was from Wakayama ken, Japan.
    I noticed there are two Mori family crests, one with a crane and one with three circles stacked in a pyarmid and a line over top. I was wondering if you would have some insight as to which one of the crests we might belong to.

  • Servant_H –
    i’m a sansei who’s grandparents came to US from Fukuyama, Hiroshima.
    My grandmother Koume Komaru’s ancestors own a large mountain and property in the area.
    I’ve been told they were aristocratic.
    Any information would be greatly appreciated…. very curious about our moen as I would like to pass on to our future generations.
    Thank you

    • Hi David, thanks for the comment!

      The family name “Komaru” is relatively rare and it has its roots in Komaru-mura (village)小丸村, Mikuni-gun (county) 美含郡, Tajima-no-Kuni 但馬国 (the present northern part of Hyogo Prefecture). We can spot Komaru-san mostly in Hiroshima and Hyogo Prefecture today.

      Unfortunately, we couldn’t find out its related names which can be traced back its roots and related Kamon (crests) by the name. But do you happen to know any other information about your grandmother’s ancestors? Since you’ve been told they were aristocratic, by that means they were descendants of the courtiers, but not samurai class?

      Historically, the area called Bingo Fukuyama-han (domain) (備後福山藩) was ruled by Mizuno family, Matsudaira family, and Abe family in chronical order since the Edo period. There is a name “Abe Masatake” on the decoration list of the nobility as he was given countship credited for the work in Hakodate war (1868- 1869). 

      Any information you happen to get, please let us know!

  • I have my family kamon from our family grave but would like to find some more information on meaning, origin and/or history since my grandmother claims that my great grandfather was a high ranking samurai. His name was Yugo/Jugo/Jougo (don’t know spelling of first name) Tsukahara, Tokyo. It seems to be a common one. Do you know where can I find more information?


    • Hi Asahi-san, thanks for the comment!

      The family name “Tsukahara” has its roots in Tsukahara-mura (village), Kashima-gun (county), Hitachi-no-kuni (province) which is a large part of present Ibaraki Prefecture. The related name, Daijo clan which is an offshoot of Kammu-Heishi (one of the Taira family) which were descendants of Emperor Kammu. Also, the name can be seen in Seiwa-Genji (one of Minamoto family) which were descendants of Emperor Seiwa. There are many “Tsukahara-san” in the eastern part of Japan.

      The family crest you provided us, “Maru-ni-Mokkou” (丸に木瓜), is the second most used Kamon in Japan. The famous feudal warlord Oda Nobunaga used it as well.

      The design originally came from the patterns which courtier used on their costumes, reed screens, and ox-drawn carriages since the 7th century. It’s considered to be stylized from a cross-section of a Japanese quince or the circular placement of a bird’s nest. Below pic shows Mokkou-mon on a reed screen at Yasaka Shrine (aka Gion-san), which enshrines Susanoo no Mikoto (deity of warding off of evil).

      Its meaning is wishing for the prosperity of descendants as it looks like a bird’s nest embraces the eggs. Before the name was given, the design has been used a lot on “Mokou” (ornament) on the reed screens at shrines which enshrine Susanoo no Mikoto, so people began to call it “Mokkou” while using kanji characters “木瓜” (Japanese quince).

      Some say that the descendants of Prince Arima, son of Emperor Koutoku, began to use Mokkou-mon in the 7th century, others say Saneyoshi Tokudaiji was the one first one who used it since 1156.

      Lastly, is your great grandfather’s first name is Masayoshi (昌義), commonly known as Jugoro (重五郎)? He was a direct retainer of the Edo shogunate, born in Ushigome, Edo (present Tokyo). He once came to the states as an envoy in 1860, fought the Boshin War (civil war) in Japan, and exiled himself to the states in 1869. Wikipedia (only in Japanese) says there’s an article dated June 17, 1869, which covered him in San Francisco Chronicle.
      (Tsukahara Masayoshi aka Jugoro is on the extreme left of the front row  seen from us)

      Hope it helps!

  • Hello,

    I would be interested to know if there was more than one kind of crest for the Ishida family name. I unfortunately do not have any specific information to go off of. Thank you!

  • Hello,
    My mother’s maiden name is Terashima. She was from the Amori prefecture. Would you know of this name having a kamon?
    Thank you

    • Hi Sandra, thanks for the comment!

      The family name “Terashima” has several roots, so it has many Kamon as well.

      Please keep in mind that each of the related family names has more than one Kamon but we present you here the main one of each for your reference.

      Kammu-Heishi (One of the Taira clan) has roots in Shimousa-no-Kuni, Katsushika-gun, Terashima-mura (present Chiba Prefecture) and its representative Kamon is Ageha-cho (Swallowtail Butterfly).

      Seiwa-Genji (one of the Genji clan) which were descendants of Emperor Seiwa and its representative Kamon is Sasa-Rindou (Bamboo Leaves and Gentian).

      Uda-Genji (one of the Genji clan) which were descendants of Atsuzane-Shinno (son of Emperor Uda), its Kamon is Sumi-tate Yotsume-yui.

      If you have more specific information about your family roots, we may be able to narrow down your Kamon.

      Hope it helps!

    • Servant_H,
      I am very impressed with your reply to my inquiry.
      I will try to find out more specific information from my Father and get back with you.

      • どういたしまして!

        It’d be more exciting once we have more information, which can give us a specific direction to look into.
        Hope we can help then;-)


  • Hello, my daughter needs an image of a family mon (family crest), for a Japanese Culture & Heritage Summer School. We are looking for an image for the Nomura family mon. Can anyone help me?

  • My family is from Shohara in Hiroshima prefecture. I was looking for our family crest. The name is Ujihara

    Thank you

    • Thanks for the comment, John!

      The family name “Ujihara” has its roots in Shinano (present Nagano prefecture) that Nakatomi no Kamatari was given a family name “Fujiwara” Hidesato clan by Emperor Tenji.

      Possible candidates are two.

      The family name “Yoshikawa” originally comes from the southern family of “Fujiwara”. As a result of the Jokyu Rebellion (1221), they were given the land of Aki province (the present West part of Hiroshima) and ruled there. Their kamon is called “Mitsuhiki Ryo”.

      The another family name “Yamauchi” or “Yamanouchi” originally comes from “Shuto” clan of “Fujiwara” that turned to be Samurai. After the Onin War (1467-1477), they became the strongest lord of Bingo province which is the East part of present Hiroshima. Their kamon is called “Mitsu Kashiwa”.

      Since you have told us your family comes from Shobara, which is located in the northern east part of Hiroshima, our best guess is the kamon “Mitsu Kashiwa”. Kashiwa is Japanese Emperor Oak, its leaves are large, soft, and flexible, which don’t fall until the new leaves come out even after they are dead. This feature related to long-live family and gradually some shrines adopted its design as their crest.

      It’s been considered that “Yamauchi” family began using “Mitsu Kashiwa” in relation to Chiaki family of Atsuta Jingu (shrine).

      Hope it helps.

  • Hi from Canada! I’m doing some beginning research on behalf of my husband’s extended family. His family name is Hoyano, and I have a scan of their family crest. They’re related to another family of Japanese origin, named ‘TSUJIURA’ but no one appears to know of any crest. I am unsure of their origins in Japan, but thought it’d be worth asking if you could point me toward some resources… Thank you in advance!

    • Thanks for the comment, Melanie!

      What we can get to know from the family name “Tsujiura” is there are relatively many Tsujiura-san in Osaka, Aomori, and Mie. But no reference for other related family names or samurai family names, hence no clues.

      Kamon does not necessarily relate to family names and there’s no record on a family register. Even you can create your own family crest yourself.

      One sure way to know your family crest is to visit your family’s gravestone. There should be the Kamon inscribed on them.

      Hope it helps.

    • Thanks for the comment, Okino-san!

      Do you know some portion of the design of Okino family crest? Or any other information about your family’s origin, previous family lineage? When we do not have any Samurai relation to the family, it’s sometimes difficult to sort out what the exact Kamon looks like.

        • Thanks for the information, Okino-san!

          The family name “Okino” is seen a lot in Ishikawa and Hiroshima. The related family name is “Oki” clan, which uses 花輪違い (Hanawa-chigai).

          Usually, we may be able to trace back its root in Seiwa-Genji (Minamoto clan), which uses 桔梗 (Chinese bellflower) or Sasaki clan of Uda-Genji (Minamoto clan), which uses 結目紋 (yuime-mon), Murakami-Genji, which uses 竜胆 (gentian) or Fujiwara clan, which uses 藤 (wisteria).

          Considering the fact that your family crest has sakura in it, we couldn’t really pin down which one is the exact one, still, our best guess is 花輪違い (Hanawa-chigai) of Oki clan or Seiwa-Genji’s Chinese bellflower Kamon. Their flowers are not sakura, though. Please take a look.
          Hanawa-chigai (Oki clan)

          Maru-ni-Kikyo (Seiwa-Genji)

          We attached the list of Sakura flower Kamon for your information.

          Hope it helps.

  • Hello

    I have what I believe to be a genuine katana with an unusual symbol on its Hibiki, I think it might be a Kamon. I was wondering if there was any way I could send you a photo of the symbol in question and possibly find out what on earth it is.

  • I am looking for Arakawa emblem my grsndfathet came to U.S. in late 1800’s or eatly 1900’s

  • I am looking for my mother’s family mon. It is three fish scales in a circle. I think it is called maru ni san roku. Do you have a picture of it?

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